My plans for tomorrow.

dreamed I was in ancient Rome last night, and that Ornj & I were feeding potatoes to hungry dogs in the street. Her hair had that crown of braids again… I wonder what, if any symbolism that holds… or if I just think she’d look nice with her hair that way. Anachronistically, we were eating green tea ice cream. 🙂 I remember holding her hand, and trying to take her someplace… not sure where it was, but we were lollygagging.

My estimated schedule for tomorrow.

09:00 Wake up
10:00 Wake up for Real
10:30 This time, I’m actually getting out of bed.
10:40 Eat some Corn Pops. Yummeroo.
10:50 Go for a 5 mile trek, and pick up postage for VAGG stuff at Post office at the end
11:30 Get home, shower and play with Newt-kitty
12:00 Check Mail for Letters from well-wishers
12:01 Reaction reserved for Letters/Lack Thereof
12:02 Hop online, and look for my beloved.
Noonish-? Work on my VAGG, talk to my sweetheart, and generally relax.

Play AOK?

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