Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ah… the luchador… mighty.

“Solo un hombre de acero…de agilidad de pantera,
es capaz de luchar contra las MUJERES VAMPIROS…y ese hombre es…SANTO!”
– Anuncio de “El Santo contra las Mujeres Vampiros”

not to mention –

EL FISICO NUCLEAR – Master of Lucha Libre and the World’s Mightiest Physicist!

Well, it’s finally happened…. the Menstrual hut now has more people interested in it than my personal journal does. 🙂 I’m not sure how many folks the museum of menstruation brought in, but I imagine that it’s certainly a factor… I’m very thankful that sweetalyssm inadvertently gave me the idea to start up the community, and wrote such a lovely letter to MUM, too.

Anyhow… I’m impressed… the child has surpassed the father in it’s growth, and I’ll be very interested in seeing how far it goes! I’m so happy… I’ve really had a bare minimum of troublesome folk there, too.

in other news – updated about 10:30am

Headed out early for walkies today… too beautiful out to stay in. has a link to a beach not too far from where I do my roaming. 🙂 On a good day, I’ve walked there, and taken a bus back. 🙂

The walk was nice, but it got a little hot…traffic was heavier than normal today, too. An inordinate number of people with pets.

garbage food from my childhood.

Junk Foods that are gone, and I’ll miss them. In alphabetical order. (yay database sorting!)

1-2-3 Jello
A & W Root Beer Gum
Adams Sour Apple/Sour Orange Gum
Banana Flavored Quik
Beech-Nut Spearmint and Wintergreen Gum
Beeman’s Black Jack and Clove Gum
Bubblicious Banana, Chocolate Mint, Orange and Raspberry flavors
Carnation Breakfast Bars/Breakfast Squares
Combos — Peanut Butter
Dark Clark Bars
Doritos Salsa Verde flavor
Dr. Pepper Gum
Freakies Cereal
Fudgetown Cookies
Gatorade Gum
General Mills Fruit Brute Cereal
General Mills S’Mores Graham Cereal
General Mills Yummy Mummy Cereal
Grape Tang
Hershy’s Bar None Candy Bar
Jello Orange Tapioca
Jello Pudding Pops
Kellogg’s Unfrosted Cherry Poptarts
Lime and Chile Tostitos
Nabisco Mr. Salty Pretzels
Orville Redenbacher Sour Cream/Onion flavored Microwave Popcorn
Pepsi Kona
Quake Cereal
Quik Banana – Cookies & Cream
Quik Ready to Drink Shake
Raspberry, Tangerine Flavored Kool-Aid
Reggie Bar
Snickers Peanut Butter Bar
Twix Cookies & Cream
Wille Wonka Oompahs (chocolate version)
Willie Wonka Dinosaur Eggs
Yoo-hoo Chocolate bar
York Wintergreen Patty

… Heavy Surf Advisory For Palm Beach County Today… … Rip Currents Likely Along The Southeast Florida Coast Today…

Persistent Northeast Winds At 20 To 25 Knots Combined With Moderate Northeast Swells… Generated By A Gale Center Northeast Of The Bahamas… And A Low Tide During The Afternoon Hours Mean That Rip Currents Are Likely Along The Ocean Beaches Of Miami – Dade… Broward And Palm Beach Counties Today.

The Moderate Northeast Swells Will Especially Affect The Beaches Of Palm Beach County Leading To Very Rough Surf Conditions And Minor Beach Erosion. Therefore A Heavy Surf Advisory Has Been Issued For That Area. Boaters Along The Intracoastal Waters Are Advised To Exercise Caution Near Inlets As These Swells Will Result In Very Hazardous Conditions. Surf Conditions Will Continue To Deteriorate Through This Afternoon And Evening As Larger Northeast Swells Arrive To The Palm Beach County Beaches.

Man… and I have to work today.

Ugh… wakefulness came slowly to me this morning. Nitrogen? Blood Sugar? Low Batteries? Who can say? A nice morning today… cool, a little wind, some soft rain falling down again…the wind chimes are gonging rather rapidly outside, and my windows are still open. As a result, it’s sort of damp in here, but it’s pleasant. I went on my walk, but didn’t take a book or my palm, due to the precipitation. I’m just about through the Bucky Fuller book, and I’m convinced that this guy is one of the niftiest minds of our century that I’ve had the pleasure to read… he’s a very positive person, and offers some viable suggestions of how human dynamics and groups of people can work together. I highly recommend reviewing ‘the game of life’…it shows a lot of ideas on how working together is much more beneficial than working apart.

My sweetie has been reading a great deal about China, the time of Mao, especially. It’s been bringing my feelings about the situation over there to the forefront. (I have a love/hate relationship with a great deal of Asian culture.) I admire the people, but despise the Chinese government, from Imperial to Communist. Confucianism (heck, or Communism) is an interesting concept for ants or a group on paper, but where human rights are concerned (or in the case of Communism, human failings like greed or corruption), that sort of society simply cannot work.

Something I used to be paranoid about as a young teen was that Russia or Red China was really a paradise…the United States propaganda machine was feeding us with stories of bread lines, secret police and labor camps in order to make us more complacent in the (then…about 1982?) time of high unemployment and general upset with Ron Reagan. I’ve long since changed my tune, especially after spending time with my relatives from Germany. I’ve seen the Berlin wall, and talked to folks that lived on the East side before the wall came down. (It still amazes me how many folks today don’t know how significant that is… can it really be 15 years already?)

Well, that sort of rambled… I intended to burp this out as a pre-shower quickie.

news of the weird

Professor Set To Control Wife By Cyborg Implant
SURGEONS are preparing to create the first husband and wife cyborgs: they intend to implant computer chips in a British professor and his wife to see if they can communicate sensation and movement by thought alone. “If I move my left index finger by sending signals to move the muscles, those signals will also be transmitted to Irena’s nervous system.”

Extra Tasty Burgers Recalled
Approximately 235 tons of ground beef are being recalled because the meat may be contaminated with E. coli bacteria, its manufacturer said.

Frenchy Art
For all you hentai fans out there, Claire Denis steps up to the plate to show that the French can still make art evil.[The film’s director] said that the film was inspired by a childhood dream in which her mother tucked her in and devoured her with kisses “because my skin has a milky aroma and because she can feel herself suddenly becoming an ogress once more”.,,2-125794,00.html

The Naked Man Attack
A naked someone walked into a Cenex store early Sunday morning with a paper bag over his head, screamed for about five to 10 seconds, and then left…

“It was gross,” he said.

Mad Ostrich Disease?
Ostriches are thought to be dying of mad cow disease in Germany.The birds have developed BSE type symptoms after being fed animal bonemeal, which is blamed for causing the disease in cows.

Old Lady Acts So Cute, She Almost Seems Human
Mary Clark is sitting at a table in the commons area of the San Juan Living Center, chuckling contentedly as she reaches into a grease-stained wrapper and reveals the key to living to be 106 – french fries. Mary Rose Clark nibbles on a french fry, her favorite food. Her son, Jack, drives 45 minutes from Ouray to visit his 106-year-old mother and bring her fries at the San Juan Living Center in Montrose.,1002,53%257E29867,00.html

balmy out

I got my walkies in today, but only a soft-core attempt at my writing…too much work to do, too little time to focus. Virtually no time to read LJ I’m taking my book with me tomorrow on the walk, see if I can’t kill two birds with one stone.

It’s growing late, Chinese food on the way, and the window are open, allowing a lovely, humid but balmy breeze to blow through, bringing a light and cooling rain along for the ride.

I’ve not heard from my dear heart since this morning… I’d wager she’s partaking of a deep Nyquil-induced slumber, and I’ll join her in dreamland, shortly. You know, I love that girl more than I can say… there’s a writing idea in and of itself… express the undying desire and happiness I have, thanks to her being in my life. Yum. Lodged in my heart, I’m cradling the thought of her now, cherishing it. She is a wonderful woman.

G’nite, LJ!

The room is small …a studio apartment with one room, save for a miniscule bathroom, and an even more tiny closet. Real and simulated wood covers the walls, paneling that went out of style in the mid 1970’s sometime… tan window shades. Brown industrial short carpet on the floor, only the portals to elsewhere are colored differently; brushed metal aluminum leading to the outside and the ones painted white boxing off the earlier mentioned indoor spaces. Earthy colors abound, light brown and gold formica on the floor of the bathroom, a deep chocolate mini fridge and a mid-tone dresser. Even the tiny microwave oven has a wood-grain print on it…It is obvious that a man, possibly a student lives there, as none of the colors quite match and have made the place take on a feeling of a dormitory.

continued later –


We can’t use EMBED for anything in posts anymore?

Is there another way aside from embed to simple put a flash animation in *my* journal??

I guess from now on it’ll just be a link, that folks will have to click on to get to. 🙁 I’m disappointed in the html cleaner.

What’s next to go?

*kicks a can, and goes to take a shower & a walk.