Today’s events

Random photos of Danny drinking a Red Stripe, and a creepy back storage area near the bathrooms, under the plaza during our people watching / chat making time. I am glad we chose to talk rather than to see “A Mighty Wind.” (I do want to see it, but can watch Mockumentaries from the comfort of home.) I had trouble going up and down stairs with my back, especially up.

Danny Drinking a red stripespooky Hallway!

We spent much of the day discussing dreams, teaching, the passers-by, and old days of superhero gaming…his fellow, “Man of Iron”, my own miniMAX and realizing that we have total blanks for the majority of the other characters in the games. (We remember Ray’s NPCs, Kathleen’s PCs… but the Wus and Tony are sort of invisible to memory.) We went down a list… FOCUS, Z-Squad, Mercenaries, Paladin Station, the 60’s game. Topic of Tony came up, someone I’ve not given a thought to in a number of years. Silver Hammer was the only guy we could remember of his at all. Overall, I think FOCUS was the most memorable of the social game-times.

I got home, and it turned out my Brother’s Hand was very swollen… he was bitten by something, It seems. He had to go to the ER, put on an antibiotic IV, and have minor surgery to correct / drain / disinfect it. He’s now wrapped in a large bandage and a palm-brace, His antibiotic ‘scrip cost over $100, … I think it’d be cheaper for me if I bought and paid for his insurance. He seems to be doing well now, thank goodness, and the scar from his last tumble is barely visible anymore.

Friday the 13th!

An image of Marvel Comics Group's The Life of Pope John Paul II

Happy Birthday, ldy! I hope that this sixth is as good as your first sixth, or better! The Marvel Comics Pope gives you his blessing.

edit – parrrtay!dance.... Parrrtay!

I’m craving some pink lemonade gum. And some Chili-Fries. And a long nap.

I’ve discovered that shoutcast works well in There, but only if you use a stereo stream.. also, bandwidth will make it skip after about 2 or three hours. I may start doing web-broadcasts of OTR again, just because it seems like there’s a need for more dragnet / the shadow / cbs mystery theatre

What’s the difference between white eggs and brown eggs

I’d like a job as go-kart mounted piñata tester please.

Nice. They’ve allowed shoutcast to broadcast through jukeboxes /radios / loudspeakers in there. (Until august 1 anyhow) very nifty. They seem to have all sold out. I’m glad I got a otr style and a loudspeaker.

Do we really want Idiotic Psychics running around? Every day our brains are not being melted into paste by super villains is another day we just got lucky, and now thanks to this book, we have to worry about morons firing invisible rays out of their heads on accident.

See also vampires This is the book you need if you’re plagued by mystical blood-sucking creatures of the night, but want your tiny brain’s hand held while it learns how to defeat them. This might be taking advantage of complete idiots, since as you know, vampires were long ago made extinct by the Easter Bunny’s hunter-killer cyborgs. That’s why there isn’t a Completely Level-Headed Non-Insane Person’s Guide to Vampires, and even if there were, it would just be one page long with a graph illustrating how you should quickly run in the opposite direction from any approaching Dracula.

Super huge Bollywood and Lollywood poster gallery (via Coudal Partners). The linked page takes a long time to load even on a fast connection – and it’s just one of several!

Looking for Billy the Kid
archived story

ramble, oh, and I think I may’ve sunburned my nose and cheeks.

Occasionally, I’m bad about minimizing other people’s pain. Sometimes I feel that if you’ve got a roof over your head, food in your belly, and are able to read… you’re already a thousand miles ahead of the gross majority of the world.

But, some folks feel other pain more deeply, and when I remember to, I reflect on that, and feel for them, as well. Some folk ache in the heart or the mind over things that seem very real to them, so as far as that goes, is real.

Broken hearts hurt, as do any broken oath. Broken people can hurt others with their sharp edges, too. I feel for those that suffer from breakage, and fear for those I love being hurt too. The trouble being that I think all people are broken, in some way. Everyone I know particularly well is, anyway. Including myself.

So, what’s the solution?

I try to keep my jagged side from hurting people, and likewise, try to help those I care about do the same.

I don’t mind getting some nicks and cuts along the way, if it means those I care about can be made happier, and maybe even have those broken parts coated so that they don’t hurt themselves.

I know I can do little spot-welding here and there, but can’t really fix other people. I can only help. I think that I’ve gotten a lot of my own issues worked out, drawing strength and guidance from important people in my life, too.

I don’t know where I’m going with this. Just stating what’s on my mind.

Maybe broken isn’t the right term? If we all work that way, maybe it’s more of a design flaw.

What bit of myself that needed changing has been repaired lately due to another’s help? I think compassion is it. I’m far more merciful a person than I was when I first started this journal. I’m more for easing off on punishment now, even when justice demands it. I’ve been good at consideration, but not so great at compassion.

What needs the most work right now? Heck, I don’t know…maybe developing a better focus. Better to cloud some vision and crystallize others. Perhaps a broken body currently needs more tending to than a broken mind. Maybe writing more again.

Hi honey, I’m home.

Signs that you may not want to rent in the area.

  • Ask about noise / crime and get evasive answers.
  • close to primary city traffic
  • the agent mentions a nicer apartment just up the road, but for reasons unknown, won’t take you there
  • while waiting for a cab, you witness an impromptu pit bull fight- a young lady’s being walked is attacked by another not tethered in the yard over. Thank goodness for aluminum crutches.

Though the apartment was clean, tile floors, looks a bit small for a one bedroom. Has a pool and laundry facilities. I’m going to look a bit more deeply into the quieter parts of town, as that place had three units available; I have mixed feelings about it. I probably won’t get one of those. Most places are only asking first and security, and a few are offering $100 off if I move in within 2 weeks, another $100 off if I get the application back to ’em in 24 hours, and yet a third $100 off if I tell them that I found the place via

Other Things seen –

About 5 apartments, all within a 6-block radius. varied wildly from “Oh, Hell no” to “Wow, that’s gorgeous”. I think that I can find a nice place, a little bigger for not much more than I’m paying now.

A kid (13?) get off the school bus with a bright yellow folder labeled “languish arts” written by what looks to be a 6 year-old’s off-hand script. I think Languish Arts is a cool name for a band, but I don’t think the kid was being clever, just illiterate.

A young Spanish girl, maybe fifteen, with colorful neck tattoos, as well as on one either arm and at the base of back. I wonder how she’ll feel about those in another fifteen years? Will she live to see forty-five? Sixty? The arms are easily covered, but the neck would be very difficult. I wonder how, if at all it’ll affect her ability to get a job?

Why did I opt not to take my camera with me today? I forgot. I planned on taking it with me to take photos of the apartments I visited.

So… like. They were dead when I got there.

simcamera is remarkably handy, not just for there or the sims. Handy for taking window or screen shots.

Just finished scraping hair from the sides of my jaws. I’ve gone from the wild man from Borneo to a more respectable tight-trimmed goatee. Must look good for the rental agent later today. (Convince ’em I’m not a total freakazoid)

Random Scotto factoid: You can replace the word Smurf with dork, and it’ll make me laugh. “Papa Dork! Dorkette! Handy Dork!”

Trevor Goddard (the gruff Aussie actor who so expertly portrayed Kano in the first “Mortal Kombat” flick) died of a drug-overdose yesterday. The world is a darker place without him.
LiveJournal poetry. Add yours by changing the URL at the end

the later on the cheap Ooooh,
childhood playtime
than my annoying iron fist
technique on this month
a more sense to figure T… remember to
another. battle scar. I
really industrious
when she
was sage who
left so much regular TV,
new and I thought of Perperikon in
the one of physical therapy..
more poetry

I wonder what folks 40 years from mow will be nostalgic about and miss? What will folks look back on about now and call it the “Good old days”? I’m not sure I can think of anything in particular, but that may be a problem of being too close to the puzzle to figure it out right away.

I slept very late today… not sure what caused it, but I drowsed from about 2am to about 1pm.

Helped out by being the “fashion photographer” for D’s purple gown in the early evening, and was rewarded with a paint tommy gun for my trouble. Playing paintball n a temple ruin on flutterpacks is a hoot! We played team too, Sluggo, Whimsy, Sammy, and Ciara. (I’m still *terrible* about confusing Ciara and Chiasmodus. Katie and Columbina we only see on briefly at the clubhouse.

While at the photo hut, a person showed us the way to the beach campfires.. one of which was inside of an old shipwreck. I really ought to take some pictures for keeping, in case the beta changes the environment again.

Current plans on the drawing table are a “Kiss My Grits” woman’s shirt with a yellow rose on it. I don’t thing most users will get the reference to Flo, but maybe it’ll become a cult favorite.

Mummy locator. If you can get past the color scheme, it’s pretty handy if you’re wanting to seek out mummified folks.

Looking for new apartments in earnest, today. I’ll be visiting some possibles tomorrow. I’ve already located a few great-sounding deals.

a year ago – wonder twins movie optioned, Baiso, Rose Red, Bunko Shenanigans

two years ago – Uddercream, Eugene Mirman, evil news, lit-quiz, chachi and opium

three years ago – bubble, simple

got my Kraft pack today… I think I’ll enjoy the newtons and the trial mix the most. The stuff arrived via UPS ground, and looked quite weathered from the journey. Though packed in bubble-wrap, some things were bumped and prodded a bit.

The full list of goodies – (holy carb & salt, batman!)

  • GF international Coffees Creme Caramel Coffee
  • Cherries ‘N Cheesecake Newtons
  • Planters Nut & Chocolate Trail Mix
  • Pasta Anytime Fettuccine with Alfredo Sauce
  • Rotini & white cheddar cheese sauce with broccoli side dish
  • Mexican Velveeta Loaf… (Heehee.. Loaf.)
  • Minute Rice Cheese broccoli skillet
  • Big bottle of BBQ sauce
  • Lifesavers fusions – strawberry/banana and Cherry/pineapple
  • sure jell no cook jam pectin
  • Chocolate/vanilla mix pudding snacks – Yum! (Bro will probably take a few.)
  • macaroni and cheese crazy noodles (turns mac & cheese Green? erm, bleh! Bro can have that)
  • Wheat thins Crispy thins – yum!
  • Kool-Aid mad scientwists wild watermelon kiwi – will be donated to Bro 🙂
  • crystal light raspberry lemonade mix – Yum!

I’m still not sure what fruit I’ll use the sure-jell on. maybe a Strawberry/Blueberry mix?

I *do* know that it’ll all get used.

Elboroom Patio cam… all the wet scared everyone off!

So many things on my mind these days… I need to shake the box and see if pieces fall through the right-shaped holes.

Well, I just heard that Island boy may be moving on to Nordis from my old workplace, and will be making quite a tidy sum. That’s the same place that shafted me back in February, but I think that was due to the CIO being a dingleberry, RE: Tuan Leaving, and then not. I hope that he gets comfy, and excels there…it looks like there’s a more solid future for him, certainly.

An underground group known as the Sims Shadow Government has taken over the fantasy world that is “The Sims Online,” meting out mob justice. Continue reading

Brunching Shuttlecocks is no more. 🙁 At least there are archives.

flowerpop is the most recent person that I’ve given a LJ code to. Welcome to the addiction! 🙂

I’ve tried to explain to Danny that DSL would be the same price as normal Dial-up if he’s going to get another line, but I don’t think that it’s sunk in. I’m not sure what part of “it costs the same, and is 50x faster” he doesn’t understand. I suspect he’s just not listening.

Looks like I’m back in the lj top 40 again.. I was out for a week, after being steady at 20/21 there since it’s inception. I have no idea what booted me off, or who left so that I’d reappear at 20 again. I still only recognize maybe 5 journals on the list, and three of those are communities. I’ve got no idea how I went form 20, to off, to back at 20 again, without changing ranks…the top 40 would make more sense to me if I understood Google’s ranking methods. Speaking of Google, they’ve added Google compute a mass cooperative information designed to help solve problems hit by distributed computing, like the old Seti@home site. This is even more handy, not as a screensaver but as just helping out. More info is available at folding@home. At one time at my last company, I had over a dozen machines with the screensaver running. cath555 turned me on to the medical version (rather than seti) method way back when.

One of my vampire-spawn has vanished, leaving me with only 3 direct descendants. Liliana , mixedresults and LdySaphyre (sire of are all lasting quite nicely, though.

Latest Newtcam Pic
What’s on top of Your Computer?

My Monster Name

Ooh, what a classic, your monster name is nice and simple; it’s demon. Demons keep themselves busy in the hell dimensions where they have reached popular acclaim by staring in Buffy and Angel. This new popularity has allowed the demons to expand their wardrobe out from the usual red skin, horns, tail and goat legs to a whole series of weird and wonderful suits.

The Levenshtein distance between Newton and Demon is 3.

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Well, Red fur and a tail, anyhow. 🙂

My Monster Name

Ghosts are often spirits of people who can’t find rest in death. Having failed to fulfill an important task in life, ghosts find that they’re no more likely to fulfill this role in death either and so make do by floating around and scaring people. Telltale signs of a ghostly presence include a drop in temperature, the hairs on the back of your neck raising and people running away screaming “Ahhh! A ghost!”

The Levenshtein distance between Scotto and Ghost is 4.

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Ghost is pretty accurate, these days… I like a cool room, and have been restless.

a year ago – no more flash embedded in journals, cleaning house post fumes, June bugs coming, supa-leap Newt, global warming rant

two years ago – Argus, moon cathedrals, monkeyfishing (later shown false), smart tags (where’d those go?), reading comics, dj account

three years ago – ADD, Webcam obtained, meme, mind tricks, kite flying with April and Danny.