
Argh… I just discovered that typing online into a form gets wiped if you refresh on my system. bah. brief recap of what was originally long. Had a lot of fun last night, watched movies, Mummy, Indy 1 -&- 2 with RC,HI,RI,BG -&- the Kitties. Lots of sugary snacks, fun gabbing, and first time RC had seen Mummy. Newt came with me, and played with his sister for about 26 hours, give or take naps, made schedules for future playdates. I have to get Xmas stocking stuff for everyone…. plus the big gifts, plus B-day stuff for DC and BG. I’ll be so happy when February comes… start recharging my bank account. Main upside of last night, much Kitty-fun, hanging out. Downside, chronic cough, trouble breathing, RC thinks I may have chronic bronchitis. I need to go to the doc Monday, and have it checked out. I hugged RC’s Bug, and had tasty cheese enchiladas for dinner! Qute of the moment… reflecting on coming elections: “Television preacher Pat Robertson, who plans to officially announce his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination next month, said he would not tolerate atheists in his administration, Time Magazine reported yesterday. …Although Robertson firmly denied a quote attributed to him that only born-again Christians and Jews should hold government jobs, he told Time that nonbelievers would have no place in his administration if he were elected.” [San Francisco Chronicle, 21 September 1987 (UPI)] (Right around the first time I voted, For Bush no less. Remember I’m from Massachusetts…Dukakis was not going to be on my list.) I can’t believe I’ve been voting for over 10 years, now… an Adult. Make me feel old, when I talk to some of the young folks where I work… (18-24 range). Now, I’m only 30, but these guys don’t know anything about The significance of the Berlin Wall coming down, or who G. Gordon Liddy is, or even what Reagan was like as a president. Pop Culture seems to have overwritten recent history. Even most of my fellow EMAGErs don’t have a terribly strong grasp of recent history, when it comes to the last century. I don’t know if it’s the educational system, or a question of who’s priorities are more right… but I agree with the cliche’ “Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” Not only that, but of the people I hang out with, only 3 of us vote. (including myself) Why don’t people take more interest in the world around them?

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