Tag Archives: wienermobile

9545 – Wednesday

wienermobile 2

BHK and David saw the wienermobile, and BHK sang the commercial jingle… got us two glow in the dark wiener whistles!!

They also made use of David’s 40% discount at B&N for books… and hit the thrift shop and got me a nice $6 dress shirt (blue-blue)

wienermobile 1

Me? I worked. Blah-de-blah.

BHK made kraut and veggie dogs…. Chris and Larry came over, and brought potato pancakes!

1 year ago -foggy day, cookies at work, man hit by a train, gossip girl, burn notice, geometry wars, edison recordings

2 years ago – Tony vs Paul (still pretty dang awesome), newtcam, Annapolis cam, Xmas tree up, but undecorated.

3 years ago – complex life, sex roles, Narnia, big brain repair issues

4 years ago – Newt stretch, Mels’ place, grumpy workers, lost good, many random Scotto factoids, best chitty-chitty bang bang line

5 years ago – movie clapper poll, hakarl, RI not nice, Rudolph: Behind the scenes.

6 years ago – Rubber monsters, the four humors, feculence, Jane Goodall believes in Bigfoot, prezzies

7 years ago – autochthonous, Nobel prize, Cetus, BEAR WINS; SUIT LOSES

8 years ago – nifty links, Fidel Castro’s John Lennon statue, and life’s perfectly swell, KMFDM Geotarget