Tag Archives: walkabout

9753 – sunday

We went to "kids at the farm" day w/ jay, duncan, sean, and Jay’s sister & nephew.

Jay’s sister is basically Flip Wilson’s Geraldine incarnate. I kid you not, dear journal.

After visiting the baby animals, we swung by the Lusby Mexico – the food there is still great, and the cost is cheap. Thank goodness for buy one/get one coupons! I suspect that Lusby’s cook is a smidgen better than the closer one.

Seen below – security tricycle from last weekend, annapolis police, a plant we’re trying to ID, dolly-doggie, monty-doggie, misc flowers, Maize lawn darts (Indian style!), oyster shells and a spine in a food refuse pile, totem pole head thingie, assorted huts, (a pano interior photo), scarecrows, bunnies, engine of destruction, goats, tiny pony, more bunnies, duck, more horses, activity for being a pig or a sheep, duncan, pelts, tractors and cows.




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1 year ago – bhk & I sick, blueberries – pie, bugah’s ballgame, aardvark’s, boardgames

2 years ago – garden pepper pic

3 years ago – LOTR online beta, valleyschwag, Newt defends me during a pirate game, yawny-poll, mermaids- traditional and feegee, monkey chow diaries, abc mp3, stealth-wing parachute, router hack, bro case update, of mice & men, freaturing superman and bizarro

4 years ago – teensy work text, human hamster balls, google-found webcams, old gi joe comics, jogging for jesus, Florida judges are tossing out DUI cases when defendants ask to see the source code for the breathalysers that busted them, Ex-deputy gets life for molesting boys, bro picked up for trespassing

5 years ago – zombie quiz, metamorpho with GP, Square-boy, Walken sings, Chainsaw owies, ST emulator, Bulldozer rampage, I go to a new host.

6 years ago – bro, pub-crawling with Danny, flowerpop clones my interests and flies off.

7 years ago – hero costume poll, sogyo poetry, fumigation finished, scopes sea monkey trial

8 years ago – baby helmet, deep sleep, grogginess, wag, folks sick all over LJ, shoe size poll, adaptation of science, spark words.

9 years ago – My life unapproved by the Comic’s Code Authority

9752 – sat

Nice day today – went to Annapolis with Larry, Chris and BHK – went to see Jerry Douglas and toured St. Anne’s Church graveyard.

just about wiped out my back, but it was worth it. a few pics from the day – concert, downtown, yellow fever graves and newton / pye pix

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1 year ago – dream memories fading, house, gut, hive and other boardgames, paper foldables, there will be blood / bambi, l. ron hubbards most impressive lies besides scientology, i catch up with ellen re:the library team

2 years ago – 150 questions meme

3 years ago – tuesday like buddy holly, poetry, long phone talk, csi project, under cold blue stars, 3 girl rhumba,

4 years ago – Org of American States, South America, Local Journals, burlesque, rain to sun, icons, journey to the center of the earth, I don’t much like Cap’n Jack, PO CHU-I, florida slave labor, rose garden, the Way-Outs, Spanish mixup at work.

5 years ago – D-Day / Normandy, Cold Reading, plague cookies, shockwave, meme, chill out, first appearance of [info]eryx_uk in my comments.

6 years ago – Hobbit Pub w/danny pics, DARPA

7 years ago – Troublesome evacuation issues for fumigation

8 years ago – evil news, laconic, hobbit names, aimbot, hungry, lj DDos, glow text abuse, misc wacky html, Scotto quirk, COPS, long chat with CEJ, Rudy-fibber, poo-health chart.

9 years ago – no-thangGeotarget

9740 – Saturday

Later today, we’re heading to the Surratt House today with BHK, Jay, Sean and Duncan. 

note –


Last night BHK and I had a lights out night – no power, just played boardgames and cards by rechargeable "candlelight" lamps.

Can’t stop bhk won 1, I won one  S6303530

Probe – bhk won  *S6303536*

Canasta Caliente – bhk won one, I won one

Charge it! – I won one

All were fun – I recommend a family game night to anyone!

more to follow when we return, dear journal!

1 year ago – poitics test, Great Gazoo, RIP, Hard knocks life, tigger/pye smoking dream, geister and other fun online games, gimlet, alan’s bday prezzie

2 years ago – hot in the courthouse, shaved ice, adam and jimmy’s graduation, more lj spam, move to own domain?

3 years ago – nice time with danny, rocker meme, mm call

4 years ago – memorial day, bhk fridge magnet pic, dr who

5 years ago – spotty notepad frenzy, mood theme editor fixed, General Tao’s tofu, My cam catches right before lights out, Newt-bt pic, Nose beeps, streams of thought, sleepy newt wallpaper (or why using arrow keys is hard with the boy on the desk)

6 years ago – google news, kev, easter island, barcode, got a lovely peek-in.

7 years ago – complaining about the weather, disappearing languages, palm piccies that need to be re-uploaded, smoke ring gun

8 years ago – hoi polloi, nice walk, memory stream, super chicken, ask me a question, ostriches

9 years ago – stream of thought re:Newt, Fritz & AprilGeotargetVisitor Map

9730 – walkabout pics / videos

















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i touch you

two were here <3







1 year ago – food, cough, house and hell’s kitchen, lifelock fails and is sued, James Garner, Opheera McDoom vs Cinnamon Stouffer, SQL union command handy, newt tackle pye pic again, insane highway cloverleaf

2 years ago – acceptable in the 80s, shrek 3, pictures of otters, fireplugs and dressed up geese.

3 years ago – black adder / house, play-doh perfume, historical sounds, marco polo, a mouthful of crabs, paul anka, ninja name meme

4 years ago – breakdancing bodybuilding, bus trip with mzk pics, no magda, ear whispers

5 years ago – tman & pix, Confucius, there ‘closing’, wireless at the ‘mat, warchalking

6 years ago – PT, hoverbikes, rain, laundry video

7 years ago – more LJ reflecting (I averaged 3 posts a day back then), "VanityDeleters" and keeping LJ for the future, broken pic links to repair,awesome cd from sholanda

8 years ago – Life improved for me, LJ has gained more features, egress, rubber track conversion, ramen noodles, kumbaya, answer to the woodchuck question.

9 years ago – Fritz gave Newt a parasite, my first actual entry

9702 – Sunday –

Rough day, got walkies in – saw a wet puffball kitty, and cross-eyed orange under an awning. 

Dinner with the in-laws – they brought over creamy peas and ziti, plus lettuce wedges and chocolate silk pie!

Picture – clicks embiggen.


1 year ago – napkin hangman, bhk pic, got pyecam at a yard sale, many games, Oshi, (Did I ever send Ray & Kat the Larry the Zombie for Fluxx??), mid-air dolphin collision, naked gardening.

2 years ago – Bro arrested, 40 lb cat, freecol

3 years ago – lj bumps, free legal streaming shows, mail form ilene and bubbles, superman returns, ad-free lyrics, wooden pc case mods,

4 years ago – no goat butter, hotmail down, mongolian deathworm, mzk pimps maressa, music quiz, snl conspiracy theory rock, orlando hooker mugshots, religio-quiz, Kamandi song

5 years ago – teacher appreciation week, rockfish, locals, time travel, discworld 15, Rainy day, clues, silly photos

6 years ago – words, artificial hippocampus, scavenger hunt, stupid cheese, word ties

7 years ago – entry loss, how newtie was adopted, bus and such

8 years ago – diastema, baba yaga, lamprey eel brain in a robot, clue-by-four, pococurante, deadly sin pollGeotarget

9685 – Sat

Book fair in Annapolis – taking it slow and easy though. Yard sale, and sat in on a panel of writers. Saw the Wayne Alan – writer of Magical Meatless Meals. More in-depth reviews to follow.

Scholastic was there – lots of flashbacks to the days when filling out a little strip of paper and ordering books through school came back. 

Book fair was at the Keys school private education pre-k – 12- the mascot is the obezegs (Gazebo backwards)

Also shown – Easter egg tree, gazebo roof, and some video of the local color.










1 year ago – cabin fever pancakes, stuffed cabbage, enchanted, pew pew, camel quote, earth is humming, abandonware, olympic torch relay nazis

2 years ago – comcast vs my surfing, sewage eruption in north beach, tons o’ work, dual-gendered deer, amy meetup, modok, the cage, pics of pye and squirrel, evil condo guy arrested

3 years ago – yellow + blue = no green?, pancakes, newt pix, easter bunny fight, farm hustle

4 years ago – mzk, dr who, nbc6 video feed

5 years ago – Khaan!, walkabout statue pictures, CoH, tv turnoff week, Jenjen

6 years ago – Passover, Good Friday, House of 1000 corpses, hair registry idea, past life poll

7 years ago – Pig book, Argentine ants, textarc, haiku, exploding private-parts,slug-eating plant, vibration energy, freedom force, Disney rides becoming movies

8 years ago – cartoons, weeping cherry, newt pic, web hits, Tom Green & PMS ruined my nightGeotarget

9664- sunday

Beautiful Spring day today – Back is sore and tummy still upset, but it’s hard not to love the weather. If anything, it’s a bit warm – thank goodness for the breeze off the bay!

Opened up our windows, and let the kitties sniff the fresh air… good to air out the house. Lots of green glow outside, flowers are blooming like gangbusters.

All of our neighborhood kitties were running around, too… most were too fast for the camera, save the chubby polydactyl girl that lives off of 7th and F. She is a master of using her little mitten-hands, too! I fear for the day we ever own a cat with opposable thumbs… our boys are tricky enough without manual dexterity.

Also discovered that the critter up the road we call "Dirty Cow Cat" (sung to Foreigner’s "Dirty White Boy") is really named Zorro.

Pyewacket was at the Window, mewing loudly as BHK picked at the catnip out front… I took a time out from what I was doing to dose both the boys up with a little bit of the kitty-weed.

Saw Chicken Dawg walking around while the in-laws were working in the garden. He was having a grand ol’ time, and smartly stayed out of the road.  (Chicken Dawg is named such, because the first day we saw the beagle/basset mix, he was running down the street with a chicken carcass in his mouth – looks like he got it from a trash can. He high-tailed it before we could take it away from him.)

Pictures from walkabout – lots of plants, with the occasional kitty or lawn.








1 year ago – aquarium trip, cherry blossom fest plans, new avengers, metro cars cracking, fights / passivity

2 years ago – BHK ill & irritated, free psp t-mobil wifi, north beach link, I’m swiss, haiku, D&D gaming grant

3 years ago – coloring book wakes up, zefrank’s log pretty keen, y/n meme, gesture poll, monkey doodle, abstract doodle

4 years ago – Dizzy bear flashbacks about GP, Kat, Danny, and past game group members, blackstronauts, newt angles, alex toth, nameless dread, click to save the world, lunsford

5 years ago – lemon fanta, diet pepsi slurpees, pet sweaters, bro stuff, awesome man,Galaxy Quest, mp3s, virus, apt/newt pics, chernobyl cyclist

6 years ago – There, light bulb pops, the rack, TAG approaches, heroX=mediocre

7 years ago – ice dreams, mock French, animal cams, keywords, yahoo plays bad, peep research, hut destroys a troll

8 years ago – Random Mail, music mix, palm BS picture, pantywaist poll, storms, blogger downGeotarget

9663 – saturday

Day was a blur. Let’s see –

We were up late last night – stayed nestled in bed until about 10am when we realized I had to be to the doc’s by 11 in order to get my shots. (Doing it a week early, so I can skip next weekend – City-wide yard sale is something we want to hit early!

Got shots, and BHK showed me the menu to a local BBQ shack that she and the mom-in-law went to for lunch yesterday. I of course got the fried clams, which were very tasty. Most entertaining food was cornbread in the shape of a pickup truck – eaten before photographed. I’ll snap the next one – it was very tasty.

We went on a little shopping expedition with the in-laws – K-mart for plants in the garden – bok choy, broccoli, cabbage – picked up some robin’s eggs and nonpareils – kept the eggs (candy-coated, chocolate covered malted milk balls) and gave biscuits and non-p’s to the inlaws. got more pot pie squares and tomato sauce for a future meal or two, as well.

Visited Compter Renaissance, and they really didn’t have any tech that was newer than circa 1995. so much for me getting a memory upgrade or car charger for the EEE. While at K-mart, I looked into a power inverter for the love cube – all of the $30 ones were out, and the $80 was a bit too spendy for me.. not going to run a chainsaw or a fridge just yet.

Saw puppies in baby cribs again. Guy insisted that dogs I’m allergic to are hypoallergenic. Just because it doesn’t shed much doesn’t mean I’m not allergic.

Got home, rested a smidgen, and we had buffalo shrimp salad for dinner. I went into the other room to fix our router’s security since Comcast reset it – noticed that they had the router to go to only one computer at a time. (ip locked) – fixed router, it’ snow called "Green Glow" for springtime, and is passworded.

I got sick about 10 minutes after resetting the router. could be the shrimp, or just the fact that I overate – I scarfed down a lot of baked potato.

We did lights out from 8:30-9:30pm as part of an energy saving gesture called earth hour .

And now, the in-laws have gone home – We watched the Thomas Crown Affair . Not the best flick in the world – first time i had seen it all at once. Surprising that they’re making a sequel next year, 11 years later.  Newton was a little trickster tonight and got all sweet at Larry, and then made an effort to smack the glasses off his face.

G’nite, dear journal! A little soda-pop to soothe the stomach, and it’s off to bed!

1 year ago – alice’s bar exam party, smothers brothers, eating policy, assorted piccies of my office, newt and pye getting along, doodled voice post, bus stop pic of spring,

2 years ago – nice folks at the county, cherry blossoms, spring started – pear trees, BHK into reality tv, EPC a flop, adam & tennis, easter coming up.

3 years ago – code template, interest cloud, pda cam dies, p&B in german, song tapper, bus on fire doodle

4 years ago – easter manatee, complimented, server/servant, spliced people, germs

5 years ago – Lj then and now (I spend less time now), bro, ice cream cake, Smokey & the Bandit

6 years ago – bro got me some Godzilla movies at the gift store up the road.

7 years ago – minority report poll, breakfast with Danny, grabber rabbit meme spreads, Words describing animal traits, Ketchup packet bear, Klaatu’s speech, scary dream, link-to poll

8 years ago – babelizer, mushy-feelings, book-burningGeotarget

9656 – Saturday –

Cable guy came by this morning to evaluate our Internet – he replaced the line from the pole to our house, and the box on the pole – looks better, but they’re sending out another truck on Monday to evaluate some more. I’m just glad it’s not an "inside the house" issue. I suspect with so many folks using Verizon around here, we may be the only Comcast people using that particular line. (side edit, spellchecker wanted to change "Comcast" to "compost". I feel the same way. )

While waiting for the cable guy, BHK tuned in to Twilight and I watched it with her.  It was about what I expected. The lead characters didn’t do much for me – I saw no "sizzle" and they weren’t particularly attractive. There was certainly a powerful Mary Sue vibe going on. I’d say I liked the wolf tribe folks most of the lot of ’em, and I think BHK liked the little emo-haircut news-kid.

After the pole-climber was done, we headed out for the day – First got my shots in record time – (BHK and Kendall’s Mom chatted, so it seemed more quickly that I thought) – Instead of our usual walk around town, I thought it’d be nice to take BHK to Annapolis and just hoof it there for a bit.

Did a lot of window shopping and people-watching. Rather than getting lunch, we just sort of nibbled at the assorted stops along the way. Split a bagel here, a cookie there, a coffee somewhere else.

Stopped off at third eye comics – picked up vol 1 of Planetary and the Essential Dr. Strange . (BHK grabbed The New York Four – being an NYU grad and all) They guys at Third Eye are always willing to lend a hand, and can recommend stuff that they think I’ll like – so far, so good! I’m not a huge Warren Ellis fan, but planetary has a lot of good stuff in it – and I’ve always dug Dr. Strange.

Passed by an estate sale – lots of nifty antiques – I think it gave BHK the idea to do a distressed dresser in the bedroom.

K-mart of the walking dead – Got some solar-charged tiki lights for the porch walkway. The employees and customers were more than a little frightening – red-eyed and many doing the thorozine shuffle. Contemplated lawn furniture for spring, and decided against it, as it was too rickety for me to be sitting on for any extended period.

Visited the local hardware store to look for a bracket to hang the bell from my dad’s boat up – may return there next week.

Paused at a school yard sale (raising money for the band to go to Canada) – we got some baked goods – a crazy-colored cupcake (see below), and a brownie…  BHK also snagged a hot dog, and bought her mom some orange glasses – perfect for a margarita sometime. I obtained another webcam – this one was only $1 after BHK haggled it down from $2. We’ll see if it works later this month.  Also seen below are the ATW man playing ping pong, a found travel bug (trailer on the bio lab at the same yard sale) and an advertisement that stopped BHK in her tracks. PUPPIES IN BABY CRIBS.

BHK loved the Puggle , but I was a bigger fan of the Brussels Griffon not as cute, but it had a fantastic and playful personality – a little "tough guy". It’s a good thing I’m still very allergic to the critters, or something probably would’ve come home with us.


The in-laws met with us later on, and we did supper at Adam’s Ribs – a onion loaf was bit greasy, but the veggies were good, and the service excellent.

Finished up Twilight when we got home… a lovely full day.

1 year ago – back better, lj content strike, colorwars, lunch with Adam & Eric, windy, lunchtime rendesvous redux

2 years ago – work review, cakery cookies, steve jobs on music, spore coming

3 years ago – sleepyhead, ren-festige, Chacarron again, comic-book picture, condo commando, network named elements, Sandra Day O’Connor comments on right-wingers, star wars concept pics, don’t walk through words, political profile quiz

4 years ago – Fragments, Chatted a cutie, BEAR TRAP/ PUNCH!, homeopathy=placebo, ref desk, giant sea monkeys, walkabout pics, rhemish, Parallel Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

5 years ago – local search sillies, copyright disclaimer, zombie minis, missed bro

6 years ago – palm pic, whiskerliscious-fuzzy-paw newt-pic, cat eaters, the coffee song, interviewed @ starmark

7 years ago – radiology, reading lensmen books, riker in trouble for DVDing, corpse Tupperware, Elisabeth, and a bunch of dead links.

8 years ago – IMT politics, and so onGeotarget

9618 – Sunday

Beware the Ides of February!!


Nice walkies today – cool outside, saw a couple of new neighborhood cats (as well as a few of the regulars) – There are more than a few local houses with ship’s figureheads on them – one on the boardwalk puzzles me a bit, as I think they look better at the tip or meeting of two corners, rather than on a flat surface.

Stopped by the post office – a letter from insurance says I have fibromyalgia , but my doctor hasn’t said anything to me about it. Put me in a bit of a foul mood for a while – stewed in my own juices for a bit, but have since recovered. Giving the situation a name hasn’t really helped with finding a repair situation, and I suspect that calling it such will cause more than a few people to dismiss it like folks do with ADD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or the like. It is one of those things that is hard ot diagnose, and is likely over-diagnosed. I’m not going to assume anything until we can go over more facts.

Tonight, the in-laws came back over and we watched the remainder of Lost in Austen. To be honest, it was off to a weak start, but was more entertaining in the 2nd half. After that polished off, a little Top Gear helped to elevate the rapidly diminishing testosterone volume. Looks like they’re back on track with the fun goofy stuff, and not so much straight car reviews. I prefer the weird challenges any day.

1 year ago – minty kisses, DuClaw, Toe the line / Piss and Vinegar, Video card driver issue, Q&A meme

2 years ago – Otter Pics!, Marine museum, warm geese in hoodies

3 years ago – compusa poop, holy moley, transistors, cargo cults, lj feature, bus station picture, cadbury bbq egg, on the lam(b), sex pred stigma

4 years ago – edbook pic arrives, cheap chocolate, land of the lost, Rik’s comic gets to previews, netflix queue, top 100 free e-texts, cow-pattern tents, public records db finds fugitive

5 years ago – Sun-sentinel cam changes direction, crittercam, condo shopping, I feel great

6 years ago – MP toys, work shopping, black bean hummus, key deer

7 years ago – Newtcam active in old apartment, how cell phones work/tracking, fibbed to, SOP

8 years ago – Monster!, SA goes in fro her job interview, got a love note, simpsons lame, cartoons, silly haiku, bro and IGeotarget

9611 – Monday

Some tummy trouble this morning, and the ol’ back is acting up a smidgen, too. Body did not want to get out of bed this morning, but the brain made it so.

Newt was late coming to bed last night, I tossed and turned quite a bit.

Long day, this Monday. Old picture to represent the vibe from back in the day, in Fort Lauderdale, heading out in the morning. I haven’t done any panoramic pix in a while… maybe on walkabout this long weekend?


1 year ago
– designing bhk’s ring, lime-vanilla ice, visit to aardvark, mexico

2 years ago – taste test, dave at codered, BHK girls day out

3 years ago – an owl!, tree pic, space piggy hits, plans with Dan to see wicked (canceled), home cost estimator, floating wind turbines, homeless man beating,

4 years ago – Rooster year, Kerby, palm doodle, nifty dolls, web-flowers, ljers who kill, machine gun vs katana, google maps, living with a corpse

5 years ago – RIP, J.S. , meme, Long distance , layers, GA success

6 years ago – tittles, palm pics, Pondering Newt getting pooch bro, incubus

7 years ago – bro email, morty the cylon, Emily Dickinson, Tulpas, links

8 years ago – Mooning over lies, lj drama, loneliesGeotarget