Tag Archives: sleep study

9816 – Monday, Monday

Got BHK her Birthday present a month early – a green DS lite, with a copy of treasure world. Bugah got a copy too – it’s a pretty addictive game, and it’s fun to drive around listening for found "treasure" while sightseeing areas you might otherwise not go.

Bugah got me back into playing with the PSP, too. MediaGo is a great improvement over the old media player/data transfer. Put a few episodes of the wire on the PSP for the Sleep Study coming up.

Scheduled my sleep study in about a week – new CPAP will be soon to follow. It’ll be the first night since we got married that BHK and I won’t be in the same bed. I doubt I’ll sleep very easily without her nearby.

1 year ago – garry’s mod, pickle pictures, love cube repairs, birthdays coming

2 years ago – Williamsburg dream, BHK, Amy & I dine at the in-laws, more gaming, start my BGG account

3 years ago – Japan’s underground photography, free wifi attractive nuisance, 2nd life updates, tough times in the congo, fishbone, ape-o-naut doodle / gays in space

4 years ago – A/c unhappy, Lisa/Lisa plans, Jacques the Monkey, Candice fickle, shots, Tom Waits, Abandoned amusement and theme parks, grumping, "shut it", mallah and the brain

5 years ago – monkey doodle, palm pictures from the bus, lavender-newt, notes from the road, atm jam, CoH, lj-flower, monkey yawn

6 years ago – palm doodles, power-outage, all consuming, power of burqas, sonic bullets

7 years ago – some day tripping, cool squirrel, Belgium is a myth, tongue-trimming, lj hot-or-not, Life imitates Real Genius!!!

8 years ago – overtired & grumpy, cockaigne, evil news, flash, evil news

9 years ago – wanting to go on a group outing, discover marquee Geotarget

9800 – 0716091128.jpg

0716091128.jpg, originally uploaded by scottobear.

this is probably the on doctors office that I have ever visited that does not have any drug ads, diagrams of skeleton/musculature or anything else but tools of the trade, all unbranded. I rather like that.

allergy shots went well – getting a scrip for a new sleep study so I can get a new CPAP device.

1 year ago – thai curry soup by bhk, Belgium’s govt collapses, io9 likes middleman too, quiz about stuffs

2 years ago – pickle salad for dinner, Newt and pye cuteness, Runaways, casein

3 years ago – furniture, will, smith on superman, windows on flash drive, pictures of floating things, fin fang foom, algorhithm march, knock down ginger

4 years ago – broward and fed autostitch, visited kev, walkabout pictures with rastas and shirtless, tell-tale heart in street signs, overheard

5 years ago – spidey, weather, let them sing it for you, freddy vs gb

6 years ago – remembering the keys, overtime psa, comic books, workman’s comp, prostate cancer

7 years ago – newt in sink, bro gets viper fins sponsor, pesky security, badly drawn images on a bumpy road, punquin finds my 125 item list

8 years ago – Evil News, bad joke, crux, random journals, nice thing poll, designer’slament, laptop space bar weird, hatt-baby, email plain text

9 years ago – Enjoyed the X-men movie, 1974 memory visiting Florida, reprint of Scooby & the occult, insomniaGeotarget Geotarget