Tag Archives: shannon

9727 – Thursday

DNA test came back, Bro is the father – Shannon (The Mother) is using, and there is a warrant out for her arrest. Greeeeat.

BHK in garden with Chris – Newton in here with me fuss with this and that… and watching movies.


front garden left 1

front garden left 2


We watched Crank – High Voltage and it is both ridiculous, offensive, violent and funny. I’m going to have to see the previous installment , now.

Going ot be a dagwood sammich dinner night soon… until later, dear journal!

1 year ago – picture with Pye waiting for the ledge, Pye tackled pic, SPicy Thai soup, what Mrs. MacGillicuddy saw, assorted pics from the day, snake in the yard, pmog, slo-mo punches to the face

2 years ago – voice post – testing the auto-transcribe, work, strangers with candy

3 years ago – birthday party for  [info]mental_circles, with pictures

4 years ago – creepy star wars moment, S.T.A., world view, making fiends #18

5 years ago – gmail trades, archive the dead, fruit pies, pirate, bro broke another straw

6 years ago – gamer purity, my buffy blasphemy, newt-grumpy/nosy, p/t, SOP

7 years ago – rainy, ashcroft snooping, what’s better, catgrass growing crazy, more pictures to repair, SOP, Lao-tze

8 years ago – bibelot, albedo, TV crushes, Dark Sun, Post to the net/privacy rant, enneagram, SOP, evil news, ‘hear, hear’

9 years ago – nuffin

9653- Wednesday

Bro’s girlfriend / possible mother to his kid Shannon has been found, and she and her baby are doing OK – Momster is distancing herself from the situation – and I think that’s a good thing.

Google voice – free phone goodies –

http://www.google.com/support/voice/bin/answer.py?answer=142423 – That sounds amazing… google… I hope you don’t turn too evil on me!

Ran a query to update about 20000 drivers for a client – amazing what a little snippet of code in the right place at the right time will do.


update driver_details set timestamp=’2009-03-18 20:10:00′


driver_details.MC_ACCT_NO =  ‘**account number**’ AND

driver_details.DRV_TERMINATED_DT is null


 That’ll earmark all the active users for that group and send an update file to everybody. Hooray for Triggers !


Chasing potential errors after, now. Seems to be working within parameters, save for one not splitting properly.

Chinese food from the Octagon tonight – this was try #2 – I suspect BHK’ll be leery of a third try, unless Little Panda or Grace’s are closed.

1 year ago – voice post, eating grapes, haiku, busy day, gaming with R/K/P, POTA, Will Smith Denies Scientology

2 years ago – Behind the Mask, Tigger Adopted!, whistle blowers get some clearance,

3 years ago – bethany, st patty plans sacked,

4 years ago – much work, webjay, Danny invite, George, potential condo piccies (many mock the pre-move decor)

5 years ago – Astronaut Jones, Square Bear, speak and spell, Frank R paul, I create an fdle syndicated lj

6 years ago – iwo jima in the rock garden, I start using jarhead, wish for peace

7 years ago – facemaker, cab stacking, poem tag, timeline, roles I’ve filled, cool bunker

8 years ago – cartoon logic that works, alice, I want tasty snack food, lone gunmen, workplace desiresGeotarget

9639 – Friday

BHK gave me a lift in to work this morning – let me sleep in an extra hour or so. I repay her by going over her accent on the way in – we were talking about someone’s "pen collection", and With BHK, Pin & Pen sound alike – and I had no context cues to work with. so I innocently asked if it was the writing implement or the sharp thing that pierces fabric.

That devolved into a Rosetta-stone style communication back and forth – She doesn’t pronounce the difference between pin or pen. Long story short, we just were silly and giggly on the ride in – perhaps you had to be there, dear journal.

[update – noonish]

Found out this afternoon that my brother’s girlfriend Shannon has had a relapse and has vanished with her baby (Bro’s daughter). Bro is still in prison for the next few months (out in May) – My Mom is understandably upset – had bonded some with the child and is looking into legal recourse. I really don’t think that they’ve even established paternity yet, so I doubt she has much to work with.

I am a bit cold about the whole thing – saw this coming (heck, I dealt with Derek’s bouts back and forth with rehab, and know how that whole deal works), but there is not a lot I can do for any of them.

She’s made a good decision not to pursue custody or guardianship or anything like that and I feel she made a good, if very difficult choice.

Tomorrow, BHK and I are attending the United Way Mardi Gras – we got comp tickets from the Maerten’s Gang!

We’re taking a limo, with the whole crew, and it’ll be like BHK and I are going to prom. I’m looking forward to it all!

Picnic at home night! BHK and I are going to have fun with a light supper of veggies, fruit and cheese … just lots of fun and relaxation – just what a Friday night should be! Starting in a little bit… until later, dear journal!


goes nicely with  Instant Crickets ,sad trombone and instant rimshot .

Hmm.. I wonder if I will have time to make some paper dinosaurs this weekend? A triceratops , at least?

1 year ago – Bilvil, mental flicker vision, loco roco, chimpanzee have a speech center in the brain, 3 word meme

2 years ago – Taco dinner, bhk edit, relaxing at home, doggie videos, bhk marine museum article from 13 years ago

3 years ago – walkies at a carnival with pix, Yanni beats folks up,

4 years ago – ren-fest trip w/pictures, Things Other People Accomplished When They Were Your Age

5 years ago – Newt-vet pics, Carpathian undead, radar on chip, Aerial Recon Archives, exorcist in 30 secs (by bunnies), punctuation meme

6 years ago – Gali sends me fan mail from Israel, ape music in my mind

7 years ago – playing the numbers, the bolters, euphemism generator, lj-reflink-list. (including 6 degrees), being romantic, superman 2, magic item poll, street signs of the world

8 years ago – filepile, interview, SQL issues, Kung fu Oz, CJ & Herman – part 2Geotarget