Tag Archives: mugshot

9350 – Monday

Forgot to mention – Very Clever Pipe game – I won 20 to 13, BHK beat me at Carcassonne H&G – by like 50 points!

We still haven’t dug into Canasta Caliente or Rook yet. I suspect next weekend will be good for that. Maybe Chinese Checkers, depending, too. (Perhaps just 2-player Halma.)

BHK made dinner tonight of veggie brats with onion and green pepper (on a baguette from the farmer’s market) , along with sides of Mexican-style corn on the cob. Good stuff!

Pye on “Monitor Duty” this morning. He looks like he just woke up, but he’s been flipping around for at least an hour.

I can’t believe my Dad would’ve been 62 this year. I can’t even imagine how he might’ve aged.

Just checked on my Brother’s record online, and it says he’s in 12MM (Male Infirmary). I wonder what happened to him? He’s now in the North Broward Bureau, which is already a bad sign.

From the site

The North Broward Bureau is a minimum to medium security, special needs detention facility housing male and female offenders. The facility also houses protective custody female offenders and female juveniles. The facility currently holds 1,200 inmates.

The primary mission of the facility is to house and manage the mentally ill, medically infirm and special needs inmate population.

Momster pulled his police report – It seems he’d parked in a handicapped space, and when the police ran his tags, the car he was in was reported stolen. Apparently his license was expired, as well. It was certainly enough to violate probation.

[Edit – in 11c now, out of the infirmary. Bro has been there before. My guess is he is detoxing or being treated for bi-polar as he has claimed that in the past.]

1 year ago – Jalapenos, bug on me, Sputnik, Gibson Island, Fred and Marilyn get hitched, grape soda discovery, couch quest, groundhogs and dragonflies, qwik-e-mart pictures, 4th pics, flowers

2 years ago – prepping for keys launch, first pirates sea monster, a Brain in a jar quoting Nietzsche to a Super-intelligent Gorilla, phone breaks, questions-meme,

3 years ago – busy, tiny text, hurricanes gone?, pedometer, one, London explosions, waterspouts, 48 questions

4 years ago
– condo bid, There-updated, MORE vizcaya pictures, pelvic thrust stormtrooper, spidey2, @ poll

5 years ago
– Frankie, restoration of library, lovejoy, danny, lj-interests, health, baby tats

6 years ago
– Newt (jamacianjungle dreamed that she got to play with him!), palm entry, grim reaper song

7 years ago
– wereturtle, moved into new place

8 years ago
– no ihop, replan for movies, april trying to soften me up, jenjen peekingGeotarget

8098 – Andy in lockup. Let’s see how he likes it.

Bro’s pal Andy was arrested today. He’s under wraps until September 26 for that grand theft charge and “resisting a merchant”… I’ll have to look that one up.


See mugshot gallery to compare, or entries on 2/24/04, 2/25/04, 11/21/04, 1/30/05, 6/7/05, somewhere in 7/2005, 8/3/05.

I really hope that means bro will keep his nose clean for a little while.

Continue reading 8098 – Andy in lockup. Let’s see how he likes it.

6485 and the sun dawns on a new day.

mug shotMug shot enlarges if clicked on. Good Job, bro. You’ve finally gotten yourself into a situation that nobody can extract you from. I wonder if he realises what he’s done to himself. A thief and a junkie. Want to know what else hurts, dear journal? Through the layers of his face and bone, I can see my father there. His name dragged through the dirt by the actions of his son. I feel so bad for my brother that it’s a physical pain, and I’m so angry with him, if he were here right now, I don’t know if I’d cry or beat the living shit out of him. Maybe do both.

Here’s the rest of the story that I got from the police via mother. He and Andy were arrested for attempted theft of a boat from the marina down at lauderdale-by-the-sea. The owner caught them with bolt cutters, trying to put it on his trailer hitch. When confronted, (one holding a bolt cutter, the other, the broken lock,) they claimed that they were looking to buy the boat and wanted to see if it would fit on the back of the truck.

When they showed up at his apartment, andy was there, and there was an assortment of needles on the table. Also, his recently filled prescription (2/23/04) of Xanax, 60 count had only 27 pills inside. I don’t know if he took the rest, or sold them, or some combination. He told me he was swapping over to zoloft, but apparently even that was a lie.

It’s expected that his bond will be $5000, taking into account his prior record. Neither my Mother nor will I provide it to him. He can sit in jail and wait on his court date. Maybe it’ll give him time to detox, and think about what a complete fucking idiot he’s been. I only hope that Andy isn’t too close by while all this is happening.. he took a trip to the pokey, too.(It’s harder to buy junk in jail than it is in prison, from what I understand.) Apparently Andy confessed to trying to steal the boat, while bro is going to stick to his guns, and plead moron, but not guilty.

I don’t know why a boat thief warrants six guys in unmarked cars or me having to look at a hole where bullets come out to kill people, but whatever. At least the Alpha-male cop was kind enough to bring those pills to my mother’s house, and didn’t require her to come out to the station. That’s surely appreciated.

3am – brother calls me to get him out of jail. I can’t, I’m on call, and the bail bondsman stil has my last fee… he says he’ll call Mike to pay $150 to get him out. we’ll see if his bail is actually that low.

In lighter news, morning thoughts.

Four new possible condos found and with luck, reviewed by me sometime this weekend.

Hmm.. my email post never made it. let’s requote from yesterday –

Einstein’s bagels are yummy, but the ultimate toasted cheese w/tomato on 12 grain is 21 frickin’ points…That’s way too high for what you get. Heck, that’s nearly as much as three pumpernickel bagels with veggie cream cheese on it…. (and I like pump-bagels a lot more, too.)

1 goblin-fart bagel – 6 points
2 tblsp veggie cream cheese – 1.5 points.

one little sammich taking up 2/3 of my daily intake…dang. (at least the pickle was 0 points.)

Funny how 5 hours later, overeating a sammich doesn’t seem to be so much of a big deal, eh?

Livejournal has added FOAF functionality… pretty cool. I’ve been waiting for a simplified version of this for quite some time.

via crschmidt

Some people might ask “What’s the point?” The point of FOAF is to allow machines to look through people, find information that you might be interested in about that person, and deliver it to you.

Perhaps I’m interested in other people that are friends of my friends who live near O’Hare airport – I’m looking for a ride. So, I put in my FOAF file, which defines my friends, and tell it to search for “basedNear” codes of O’Hare airport. By using FOAF, it could expand out, find friends of friends, and give you back contact information for them.

The tools to do this thing need larger base data to advance. We need to be able to describe ourselves in a way that computers can understand in order to make better our interactions. This is the purpose of the semantic web – and LiveJournal is working to start it off.

http://www.livejournal.com/users/scottobear/data/foaf is basically a machine-readable version of http://scottobear.livejournal.com/info and Here’s another way to browse my foaf via the explorerer

(If for some reason you don’t want your contact information shared, there’s an easy solution – simply choose to not have your information shown to all users, which will block it from your FOAF file as well. If you would like to block your FOAF file from containing information like your friendships, you can do so by including a URL in the Edit Information page, at http://www.livejournal.com/editinfo.bml – simply fill in the “External FOAF URL” field.) Though, I can’t imagine why you’d list interests and such, and not want them to be indexed and found.

Any literati-types know about some writing SJ Perelnman or Woody Allen might’ve done about seeing films at MoMA? I’m looking to help out a researcher for the Department of Film and Media over there. Any help would be welcome.Site Meter