Tag Archives: kev

8032 – Cool Yule Day of Winter2!

GeotargetNewt is a master of stealth. I’ll call him a fuzzy little shadow-slicer.

Kev’s coming by after work today to see the place, kick Newtie-bear around, exchange prezzies, and hang about.

Blackbird’s head on a raven’s torso. It’s subtle.

Newton’s got eyes like two slitted, amber fists when focused on stalking the crinkly stuffed flea of doom.

He sings…

I’m bad ju-ju,
I use voodoo if I choose to,
I’ll harness the powers of evil to abuse you!

which reminds me… The mighty Boosh strikes again!

The Tundra rap:


The whiteness of the whale
Pales in comparison
Oh my god!
Who the hell are you?

I’m little Johnny Frostbite moving around
Freezin’ you up freezing you down
Like an icicle
Comin’ in your tent like a cold night scissor bite
Arctic death
Infinite night

They call me tundra boy because
I move like an arctic lizard
When the Blizzard strikes
I disappear like a pipe dream
All that’s left is the gleam
On the tent peg

Boosh, Boosh, Stronger than a moose
Don’t lock your doors or we’ll come through your roof top
Stop look around take your mind off the floor
Because The Boosh is loose and we’re a little bit RAW!

Ice, floe, nowhere to go
Ice floe, nowhere to go
Lost in the blinding whiteness of the tundraaaaaaa!

1 year ago – Mel’s prezzies, Jill good / ADP sucks (both are long gone), tell me meme, No Godzilla, Bush / Scalia / Thomas

2 years ago – RotK w/Dan, 51 successes, gabbed with sedef, Atom feeds

3 years ago – cravings, adoration, sinanju

4 years ago – stray fugitive lotr thoughts, my fondness for orange/yellow foods, rejection letter, where there’s a whip, there’s a way

5 years ago – cards, filters added

6899 – Weekend rushes to the forefront.

Well, I just don’t get it… I’ve trimmed back MM’s hours, and *still* she bails on Saturday, the day before. Very disappointing, and I feel taken advantage has been taken, especially since Sat is Kev’s b’day, too. I’m glad I’ve got an auxiliary on call person that can do some weekends, now…. but I’m going to put my foot down about schedule ditching at the last minute. This stuff has got to be trimmed back.

It’s Friday. Not much planned for the weekend, as can be seen from above. I’m going to shoot for some personal Scotto-time Sunday, I think. I’m in a better mood than my entry seems to show.

To a big ol’ beast like me, 12oz. bottles of water are laughable and wasteful. Just give me a few gallon jugs, and be done with it. 12 oz doesn’t even make a proper-sized spill when kicked over.

C-Mon & Kypski’s – Shittybum – Very cool video… Reminds me a bit of my trip to Vizcaya.

1 year ago – IHOP with Kev & Bheesh, Rose, Zombie Pinups, Space Art in Kids books, Title caps.

2 years ago – mental fog, Finn & Chupa aren’t loved, sculpey, eraser clay

3 years ago – Fussing sans A/C, Word association poll, KFC Japan

4 years ago – The Laundry event, Newt, Cherry Coke, Quit the Everway Group, one day until I meet Hala.

Current Mood: Bob Ross talking about happy little trees makes me laugh.

Current Music: Ookla the Mok – Super Powers

6898 – Status report

Ok, let’s see.

All the Libras in the house go “whoop-whoop!”

In the days and weeks ahead I’ve got some biggies in my life- (in order of bdays)

Kev, Bro, Newt, Hala.

Kev’s Easy. Sci-fi, Pizza, and good wishes. Maybe some emulated Atari ST games. Star Glider, and Battle of Britain are sure to please.

I’ll probably get Bro a game or two to play on his X-Box, and take him to a movie/dinner.

Newt… every day is that little goober’s birthday. A cardboard box filled with paperwads will make him a happy-happy camper.

Not telling what Hala’s getting, in case of snoop-a-doop.

6881 – Humpty-hump

Now that the hurricane’s gone … get ready for the mosquitoesSite Meter

Like hurricanes aren’t scary enough… West Nile Virus and St. Louis Encephalitis! Eep.

I’ve been asked to participate in two elaborate net-hoaxes, set to launch in the distant future. I can’t go into details here, but I’m still deciding if I should participate or not. One is probably pretty useful to mankind, while the other is just sort of fun. Both are a little work, though, so it’ll have to bypass my naturally lazy streak.

Imagine, if you will, that Enron’s cadre of lying, cheating, stealing executives weren’t living it up in Dallas while bleeding granny dry in Fresno, but instead were taking advantage of grandmothers in Peking. What do you think the Chinese government would do to punish them?

Apparently, they’d kill them. Four employees of the nation’s Big Four state-owned banks were executed for fraud totaling $15 million. China didn’t disclose how they executed the men, but generally they either shoot them in the back of the head or inject them with poison.


Bro’s still a dumbass

Only 5 more months until my birfday!

Got my packages into the mail, so goodies (and forwarded goodies) should be winging the way to points north as I type this.

Getting together with the Bro tomorrow for an early supper at Tokyo bowl…I figure we can get out convo caught up there over some California rolls and miso, or bean burritos and rice. I want to spend as much time with him as possible before he heads off.

Ol’ Network gave us some trouble today, right as I was setting up an email account.. I thought first that the pc was down, then the server.. it turned out internet was broken across the board. A mild setback and we were up and running in under an hour.

I had a nice email convo, and got to call Kev on the phone to ask for him to donate some hardware, software and license stuff to ACIM, and also make a tentative appointment for a get together at IHOP for some tasty nighttime breakfast.

Putting a lot of our donated art stuff from Las Olas on eBay, and tracking that is going to be a daily fun stop

for Kat – (since I can’t seem to sign comments at Enigma) The Billboard website. Look at the Charts on the left. Albums, for example.

Today’s eats –

Water: 6 Veg/Fruit: 4 Milk: 0
Points: 34.9 Adj: 0 Act: 0.0 Rem: -0.9
Bank: 33.3 Adj: 0
Bank Max: 35 Point: 0 Act: 0
Bank Method: Start on Monday
Vitamins: Yes

Breakfast: 8.0 points
8.0: Croissan’wich w/ Egg & Cheese

Lunch: 6.5 points
5.5: BK Veggie Burger w/o Reduced Fat Mayo
0.0: Side salad
1.0: Kraft Fat Free Ranch dressing

Dinner: 13.5 points
3.1: Chik patties – morningstar
3.1: Chik patties – morningstar
1.4: Peas sweet; 1 can; solids & liquids
5.9: Veggie munchees -12

Snack: 6.9 points
4.8: ice cream ; low fat fudge ripple – 1 cup
2.1: Cereals; LC OATS 1 cup

If Zombies walked the earth, I’d wear a helmet.

Erica came by tonight with Bailey, so that he and Dexter could run around and play, while she caught us up on what’s new in her life… work/school/dance pretty much. She mentioned that she’s looking for an after-hours job…I don’t know how she can handle that sort of workload… you’d think that she’d like four free hours a week to rest and recover. I suspect that she’s tight for money right now, though.

Picture of Dexter And Bailey tonight, after hours

Fragmentary, trying to get all info out

Though Kev told me that Jim (big boss) just brought some projects by for implementation, deeper scuttlebutt is that the owner came by this morning to address the ongoing political issue of Finn vs. *Everyone Else* (Sans Kev and possibly Santie.) When he came by today, he had a large stack of letters and e-mails in his possession, all citing the following problems (and more) with her behavior:

Socially unacceptable outbursts and generally hostile / childish attitude

Ex.- Needlessly delaying folks by stalling appointments made well in advance, ignoring or rerouting phone messages so that she doesn’t have to deal with the employee / vendor / etc.

Ex. – Spreading false rumors about Ken’s drinking in order to boost herself and to put him in a bad light

Ex. – Being the direct reason for Erica’s departure, after five years of excellent service

Ex. – Playing other directors against one another, including, but not limited to outright lies claiming that her hands were tied waiting for a response to messages (that were never sent).

Ex. – Refusal to perform her duties for employees that she’s not friendly with

Ex. – Expressing outrage that someone would move past her on the chain of command when they are dissatisfied with her “solutions” to problems. (Her solutions are generally from the school of “ignore it, and it’ll go away eventually”)

Ex. – An unwillingness to sit in the same room with someone she dislikes in order to learn how accounting and timesheets work. Instead, she prefers to waste four hours of the teacher’s time by making the teacher school the same subject matter twice.

Inflammatory and derogatory remarks made about coworkers in front of other coworkers, clients, and vendors

Slow (if any) response to the needs of her department

Constantly unavailable to provide services and fulfill duties of her job (Very poor attendance / Closed Door Policy / Long Lunch / etc)

Forging her timesheet to hide said poor attendance

Ex. – Asked multiple times to adjust information about insurance , w-2 forms, HRS, garnished wages, vacation and sick pay. Her lack of speed resulted in accounting write checks to people needlessly having monies withheld. (Many of these employees can’t spare a day’s pay per paycheck, living hand to mouth.)

There were interviews with many employees that didn’t send mail, and Jim’s information was confirmed.

Island boy told him that he feels Finn doesn’t know quite what she’s doing, and is incapable of giving even as much as a phone number for our insurance company to follow up on information he asked for weeks ago and never got from her.

Many mail shop employees confirmed the temper tantrums and lack of availability when they needed to discuss HR-related problems.

Over a dozen letters and e-mails were referred to. some we have no idea about the origin

Jim had her in the conference room alone for the better part of an hour, informing her that her performance wasn’t up to snuff.

I came in at noon, and missed being interviewed. I do have what I plan on saying ready, when the second wave hits. (I’m guessing that today was a verbal warning, next time will be written, and then firing, if things don’t change.) I feel that the only possible reason that she survived even the first round is that possibly Kevin went to bat for her. If it comes down to the board having to decide her survival, I see one vote for her to stay (Kev), two votes go (Ken and Chupa), and one undecided/ don’t care (Santie)

Apparently the whole board got a talking to for letting things get this far out of control.

We’ll see where this takes us.

Kev’s get together went well… buds for supper, aliens vs predator 2 (my giftie to him) and then a viewing of “A Shot in the Dark“. A relaxing, humorous time. His sister’s doing well, only six more weeks of the colostomy bag, before she can go back to using her original plumbing.

ugh! why are my msn linked photos only showing up as thumbnails? as a side effect, my links also are not working.

TheAir conditioner’s compressor sounds funky… we’ll have to see if it makes it through the night. I suspect the LL is going to have to replace the unit.

ah well, time for bed… lots of chores to do tomorrow morn, before my playtime!

today’s drama.

Kev, Sappho and I sat together in Kev’s office, enjoying a little bull session and lunch. We’re all talking about New Orleans history / Civil War stuff and in walks the Finn. She’s not interested in what we’re talking about (primarily because it’s not about her, natch) and so butts into the middle of our conversation, to make a show of this new CD she bought today. I’m polite enough to look at the cover while she goes through the liner notes. On the inside, there’s a picture of the periodic table of the elements, which spawns a new conversation, science related…(not Finn related) so she starts to get huffy and puffy. She then asks to play a certain song. Sure, ok. We put the CD in and listen for about 20 seconds, and then resume our conversation about whatever we were talking about before… helium-argon lasers or something. My lunchtime was up, so I head back to my desk, after saying my goodbyes, and commenting on the tasty lunch. Four minutes later, I hear a door slam from the vicinity of Kev’s office. Finn walks to my desk, and says (pretty calmly) “No reviews? Not even a ‘This sucks, Marjo.’” My reply was “Nah, I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it, either. I’ll give it a straight 5 out of 10. It’s not why I left the office.” She nods, and adjourns to her own office. I return to Kev’s place to get the rest of the skinny, and apparently she pitched a hissy-fit…When nobody gave so much as a critique of the song and instead talked about other, more interesting things, she exclaimed “Well, obviously you guys hate my music!” and left, slamming the door behind her. Sappho made the comment that the maturity levels run really high around here. (Ref: also the Chupacabra/Go Away incident).

I do know that Erica contacted our parent company, and issued formal complaints regarding the Finn’s unproductive, unprofessional behavior. I’ve got to make a point of writing a nice letter to the higher-ups too, reinforcing those statements. (Along with those dealing with Chupa and the Fruit Cup.)

Nice Things – Today Kev got a sea-monkey like critter farm for his birthday- Triops… sort of like a hybrid sea monkey / horseshoe crab. They seem to get larger than monkeys, too. Maybe I’ll give them a shot when my current colony dies off…I wonder if they can cohabitate?

When he was nearly thirteen my brother Jem got his arm badly broken…

I want to just goof off today.

I’d like to get to work, have someone offer to take me out to a long lunch near my house, and have Kev call mid-payment of the check, and have them drop me at home… so I can return on Thursday, refreshed.

Erica in accounting (She’s been at the company for five years, from 16 to 21…) gave her week’s notice on Monday.

Another victim of the hubbub here at work, and not wanting to work with the Finn too closely. More’s the pity… ol’ Rico is an excellent worker, and a good person. We keep swapping out wheat for more chaff… I wonder who’s next to call it a day?

Taken out for potato pancakes. That’d be nice.

Next week or so is birthday week… Bro and Kev.. This weekend it’s going to be prezzie time. Bro’s easy, Kev… I’ll have to roam the software and toy store aisles, and see what calls my name. Also sweetheart’s Lj-versary.

Newt’s Birthday is first week next month, and sweetheart’s is the second week. They’re both easy to shop for too. Then I’ll be set.

Beat the Geeks on Ben Stein’s Money… I suspect the geeks’ show is dying, to have to guest star elsewhere. I don’t like the movie geek “Marc”…he gives me a weird vibe. The TV and music geeks look like they could carry a pleasant conversation though.

Sending more healing vibes to my sweetheart… she’s still sicky, :(…. *huggo-lovies-mendo-fixits* it seems to be going around, too. Everyone should be drinking lots of fluids, and resting!

Enough dawdling… time for me to head out. I think I’m going to spoil myself a little today, and get a big, hot lunch of something really good tasting, and probably not too good for my health.

Have a happy, dear journal.

Journal entries: 4,704
Comments: Posted: 25,161 – Received: 25,659

grand theft, lies, vandalism, and Newton’s sonic boom. (to be ceaned up later, just get it out there

Danger the turtle, totally unrelated to the story at handAn eventful couple of days…I’ll work my way through it.

Thursday night, [gleaned via the video camera archives] : one of the bonbon spawn, her eldest, got a phone call…about 7:30 pm. While on the phone, he walks around the back of one of the primary machines, nodding his head, and observing where items are plugged into the back. For the next 15 minutes or so he walks back and forth, periodically looking right into the camera… a nervous look on his face. After his mom left, at about 8pm, we see him come out the side door and then hear the rear door open up a few moments later. A box is placed over the camera to black out anything from being seen. (Ooh… clever! I wonder what secret agent broke in and did that while he was out on a “smoke break”?) Anyhoo, “someone” then smacked the camera, and knocked it, supposedly aiming it up… what he didn’t realize is that the whole laser room was still in the field of vision… there was just less floor, and more roof. Something else that he didn’t know was that two minutes or less after pulling out the hardware key, all production on that machine ground to a stop, as the data was dammed up, forbidden to pass from servers to the Xerox printers. He calls tech support, and they walk him through a checklist of repair possibilities… but he doesn’t work with the computer at all, because he full well knows what caused the problem. He clocks out and goes home, since the machine will have to have Xerox come in and diagnose the “problem”. [End camera 1]

Cut to Friday morning, 6am, Xerox techs come in to evaluate the problem. It takes less than a minute to discover that the dongle is missing, and exactly *when* it was pulled out last night. The only two people working that evening; both of the bonbon spawn. Older “Thief” brother, and younger “Accomplice” brother. By checking the alarm and camera logs on all the doors and possible entrances.. Nobody came or went that wasn’t a child of Bonnie’s. 8:30 am, when the board members tart to arrive, they look at the security tapes and security logs mentioned above. The police were called, and Bonnie and her children were telephoned, and asked to come in. Morty, one of our guys that work in the computer bank in the front with Riker has a big mouth, called and told Bonnie what was up, soon afterwards.

10am, they all arrive, and Thief is pale white, and has the hardware key with him. He returns it, and says “no harm, no foul, right?”

Wrong. That piece of hardware comes with a $15,000 licensing fee. Taking it is grand theft. A felony good for about 15 years in the state of Florida. He also cost us printer and click time from 8pm to 6am during prime printing hours, unknown costs in paying people overtime, Xerox service, and catch-up .The police grilled The three of them almost all day yesterday. Aside from theft, there’s also a vandalism charge.

The Accomplice came through, totally straight with what he knew. I do believe that he had no idea something of that magnitude was going on.

Thief went through a couple of stories. “The system went down, and it was hanging off loosely. I pulled it off to look at it, and accidentally put it in my jeans and took it home. I returned it.. No harm done, right?” *BUZZ* wrong answer! The system didn’t go down until it was yanked out. It doesn’t hang loosely; it’s screwed in with a pair of thumb-bolts. Try again… let’s go to the videotape. And why exactly did you cover the camera up? Uh, I was just goofing around… I didn’t think anything would happen. “Goofing around, by covering up a security camera, and taking hardware off the system, causing it to crash? Sounds like a laugh riot.

He has a wife and a child at home. What kind of idiot throws away his life for swiping a piece of hardware worth $15k?

Right now, it’s unknown if accomplice and bonbon will have jobs on Monday. That has to go before the board. Thief is certainly going to be fired. The board is going to decide about pressing charges. I suspect that if he comes through with who called him, and told him to swipe that part, they’ll make a deal with him to catch either Big Bird or Ex-boss in a bigger suit. (Remember, Big bird is already in trouble for stealing a $4000 piece of equipment, and selling it to ex boss.).

If the big guys can get nailed, I don’t think they’ll have a problem with letting the thief off with just being fired, instead of going off to jail to be anally taken regularly by his cellmate.

We’ll see what Monday brings. Friday night, I tucked in early, worn out from all the Police hubbub and all the noise.
trip to the vet 09/14/02 - Newt got spooked by a dog barking at him, and he rowr'd so loudly that the dog ran away.
This morning, I took Newt to the Vet for his 6 month bordatello immunization and fecal test. I was smart, and went tootsie-roll collecting, and tossed it into a Ziploc bag for them to investigate, so he didn’t need the lubricated bubble wand stuck in his bung. That’s one less stress to add to his list. The immunization consisted of a few drops put in his nose, rather than a shot….he didn’t mind that too much, but wasn’t fond of the vet rubbing his belly and bod for unusual lumps or tumors. (He’s looking good!) His weight is the same as it was six months ago, which is good.. Not getting too fat or too thin.

While standing in the front room, waiting for my ride, Newt in my arms, as sweet as can be…. in comes a guy with a mid-sized cocker spaniel. The thing is a spaz, and starts baking at Newt, loudly and excitedly, jumping about mid-waist height to me. The owner, an older lady was having trouble… she panicked a bit, probably because I told her to reel in her dog rather sharply but quietly. Newt puffs up in my arms, tail straight up and looking like it was electrified, and let out the loudest *RAWRAWRAUUUUUUUUUUUU* at the dog that I’ve ever heard. The dog whined sharply, tossed his tail between his legs and hid behind his owner, and began to cry like he’d been beaten with a two by four… The lady took him to a back room shortly thereafter. Dumb-bully dog. Newt continued to growl lowly until our ride arrived, a few minutes later.

A soon as we got outside the office, Newt relaxed, and got extra comfy in my arms for the ride home. Who knew he could get so fierce? Lesson… I’m quite confident that he could hold his own in a fight, or at least a chest-beating match.

After arriving home, I spent much time playing with the little banshee (who hasn’t so much as given a “mer?” since) on the bed, and he seems perfectly calm and collected.

notes : picture of Danger the turtle was drawn last night… Newt-attack mer was drawn today during laundry.

Finn pissed off Kev today. Dumb dumb dumb. He’s her only strong supporter….burning bridges, she is. Fury is short, memories are long.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day…. Cyndi lauper and the bookstore in the morning, art fair in the afternoon, and hanging out with Dave at night…. keeping him company while his wife and her pals have a girls’ night out. I’m glad it’s a long weekend ahead, so I have time to do some resting up afterwards… I want to spend some nice quality time with my sweetheart, too, on Sunday or Monday… (or both! 🙂 )

Neat… photos from an area near my town.… small world, LJ!

My brother said that someone came by my house today when I wasn’t home… no note on the door.. I wonder if Mio accepted a package for me? I’ll find out tomorrow, I guess.

I got my computer desk home tonight, so I’ll assemble that sometime this weekend… maybe tonight?

Well, Kev’s sis will be in ICU for a few more days, but she seems to be doing well. I’m making up a goodie bag for her now, so Kev can take it to her tomorrow.

Let’s see. A Few Tick Comic Books…Copy of the Dangerous lives of altar boys, and Nightmare of Ecstasy… (Ed wood Bio.) I think that’ll keep her happy for a little while.

No foodie-goodies for her… on an IV, and only allowed shaved ice to suck on. When she gets out, we’ll have to get her a tasty can or three of Hawaiian punch.

Looks like a colostomy bag for a few months, but it’s better than having it for life. I don’t imagine she’s taking it too well… she’s pretty sensitive. I really can’t visit until she’s out of ICU.

In other news… Apartment cleaned, and I have groceries for the week. Brother has asthma pretty bad, so he’s chilling out today.