Tag Archives: frostbutter

10,079 – Saturday

Out for some “fresh air” as we’ve been cooped up for quite a spell. Visited chnaka – BHK picked up some circular knitting supplies and I got a lovely replacement for my lost glass monkey bead at bag-o-beads.

Then, we did a quick stop at Wal-Mart and got some valentine supplies – chocolate hearts and some buttons to go with BHK’s knits.

Visited Ledo’s (back next door to chnaka again – found out that buy one / get one free calzone night is the same evening as the Wednesday Knitting Circle – While we ate, (and for a bit after) we chatted with Veronica and Bill Frostbutter in the booth next to us. I like to think BHK and I will be much like them (after another 40 years or so have gone by – Veronica is a little Chatty-Cathy like BHK, and Bill is a more quiet, but friendly cohort… not unlike myself.) I think that Veronica and Bill Frostbutter should be our aliases sometime… awesome name.

We got home, and went to take care of little Stormy next door- and we proceeded to lock ourselves out of the house. Thankfully, I had the Naille’s keys on us, so we called the in-laws to let us out, while we played with little Stormy for a bit.

Of note to literati – You may flip through Poe manuscripts digitally! – http://research.hrc.utexas.edu/poedc/results.cfm?cat=1  The Edgar Allan Poe Digital Collection

1 year ago – hospital, boom blox, pot pie soup!, newton watching the starlings pic

2 years ago – pye on cam, bhk and Cathy, paper ballot in MD, walker nightmare, self-portrait (see yesterday for same place), stinging hands memory, pueblo zip, punch a tyrannosaurus in the face, Human sacrifice by General Butt naked

3 years ago – zombie astronaut, gun runner dream, paper moon pix

4 years ago – missing cj, superhero dream, youtube b&B, fat bat cat, herm patient, pug in lucha mask, endless forest, birthday counter.

5 years ago – Chilly, doodle, facial morphs (monkey scotto is still my fave), food, height comparisons, a/b meme, warning labels, toybox mooch, scythes

6 years ago – happy Newt, nipples off, palm post – bus stop, tummy ache. penguin poop, giant nostril

7 years ago – Tests, truth, rumor, links and history, lj spam, Kev in court

8 years ago – I got my camera, Alvin gets fired from work for stealing overtime, unsolved mysteries, snap club, mcd’s employees, nifty moon site.

9 years ago – Reflections on the old regime, The Litter Box Song *snerk*, Cow Saliva, “parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme”, rehiring some of the fire-eesGeotarget Geotarget