Tag Archives: animals

9577 – Sunday

Learned a little bit about Rescue Ink – tough guys helping out animals.

This morning we headed over to the first day of the Annapolis Winter farmer’s market – not a lot of vendors yet, but I’m guessing it’ll grow.  We picked up some turnips, soap, coffee for cheap and a localvore mag for free of note was the spiffy alpaca stuff.

On the way home, we swung by 3rd eye comics and I caught up on my ambush bug – also got the Munchkin Quest boardgame & an Obama comic for BHK.

Visited Best Buy to peek at the eee netbooks, and the acer one – maybe a goodie for us later on this year (not purchasing at BB, though – online has better deals). $200 for a laptop with internet isn’t too shabby.

After that we came home – watched die monster die (boris karloff flick loosely based on "the colour out of space"), the soup, mr meaty, and corpse bride, sanctuary… tried to soak up as much rest as we could, but I still ending up pooped, so I took apart train set under the Christmas Tree, and now we’re tucking in to bed.

Goodnight, dear journal.

1 year ago – baby polar bear, different route to work, friday 5, gizmodo tv-b-gone

2 years ago – newt and pye pics / video, off to marion

3 years ago – hijinks, top 10 questions, hieroglyphic names, system still out for repair, doodling

4 years ago – turtle thought, dinero, illumination, tv torrents, vampire hunting with a stand up bass, metasearch, mucho folks fired for keeping online journals, iraqi abuse cheerleaders, server location, flying_blind introduces me to the term blague which is a perfect alternate to blog.

5 years ago – drama flakes, bad taste, Dentsu, Tintin, Sandalwood and walkabout

6 years ago – LotR, Nipple scarves, vax-d, UBER-PEA!, Newt piccies

7 years ago – Colostomy bag thief, D&D stats, monkey god baby

8 years ago – looking to the future, all the words Geotarget

Writer’s Block: Annals of Animal Warfare

I say Giant Squid. Why? Because I love Giant Squid, and it should win.

I think greater surface area and the ability to strangle-hold the giant shark would beat out a few lost tentacles. (if the shark got a solid bite in first, maybe it’d go differently.)

Additionally, The Giant Squid still exists to this day, so from an evolutionary standpoint, VICTORY!