Tag Archives: andrew

9787 – Independence Day comes early to our neck of the woods.

Third of July. The twin beaches always celebrate a day early, because everyone likes to go to DC or someplace else for the 4th.

Andrew was looking dapper, and the fireworks were a-ok by me. we spent the day grilling – thankfully, it was cool and comfy at windward key. I grilled the dogs and etc, while bhk made a funfetti cake.

We played some Can’t stop, Huggermugger and of course, apples to apples. I was hoping for a little try at dictionary dabble  (aka Balderdash, but dabble has much cooler pawns)

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BHK took most of the Dock pics, I experimented a bit with the camera settings for the fireworks.

9725 – Tuesday

Happy Anniversary, LJ – 9 years doing entries. Hard to believe, though my posts of late have been petty scanty. I need to get back on the wagon and produce something I’ll want to look back on in a few years.

IN back news, I got my second epidural today… not working so great – may be due to scar tissue issues. next one will be injected through my side rather than the back, if I get another.

After my shot to the spine (pictures to follow), we visited at the in-laws for a few – had chinese food and hung out – Adam came over and played a little guitar with Larry and Stone.

Adam fessed up to trying adderall before his finals… not sure how happy  / unhappy I am with that. Not prescribed to him. Misuse can easily become abuse.

Watched Children of Men – not bad, but not mind-blowing, either. Worth seeing on tv, but perhaps not a non-netflix rental.

1 year ago – voice post, journal 8th year, hyperdrive, obama with kitty, journal review, adam in haiti

2 years ago – 7th year entry, milk and cheese figures, bhk takes care of tm’s kitties, lunch with in-laws, David and Gill move to Charlotte

3 years ago – 6th anniversary, clothes shopping, busy recovery week, Don’t ask for directions in Baltimore

4 years ago – Star Wars, Dead Riddler, PETA kills animals, Newt @ kittenwar, neobrara, hong kong bun-snatching, sex offender sweep

5 years ago – wet week, duckling videos, lots of wander-pics, you’re so vain (odd couple sing), using wifi for plausible deniability, Feast Day of St. Dunstan, Florida Black Bear

6 years ago – bro fishing, Eh.net, asteroid probe, bookhenge in There, Drunk Man Hurt After Running Into Elephant, PT, severe weather, #21 in top 40, ljer ages, compat quiz

7 years ago – no cpap, broken pic links for me to fix later, grocery,waste to energy, Mayan symbols, ginger orange tofu, hot mail copying yahoo jerkiness

8 years ago – Iron Chef, Family Guy, Lj troublesome, feeling coarse, gals system down, astley hoses me over.

9 years ago – Scottobear’s LJ is Born – just a marker, really.