Category Archives: Uncategorized

word of the day

undulant UN-juh-lunt; UN-dyuh-, adjective:

Resembling waves in form, motion, or occurrence; undulating.

[From Late Latin undula, small wave, diminutive of Latin unda, wave; see wed-1 in Indo-European Roots.]

My wakefulness is coming in a slow, undulant progression….today and yesterday, I sort of just ebbed into it.

Good morning! Spongebob is on!SBSP!

my back workout.

Doggy BridgePlace both hands and knees squarely on the ground. While keeping your abs tight and your pelvis neutral (no excessive arching or sagging), slowly lift the opposite arm and leg off the ground. Extend both of them out while holding your head straight. While lifting the arm and leg, squeeze your glut and do not allow your hips to tilt. They should be square with the ground. Do slow reps (10) at 2 – 3 sets, two or three times per week.

Supermans Lay flat on the floor on your stomach. Fully extend your arms and legs. While keeping your forehead flat on the ground, slowly lift the opposite arm and leg off the ground. Do not bend the knee, imagine someone trying to pull your shoe off your foot as you lift the leg. Your hips should be pressed on the ground and your gluts should be tighten. Do not kick the leg up. (The movement is similar to the doggie bridges) Do 10 reps slowly at 2 – 3 sets, two or three times per week.

Lys has a great question in her LJ and I’m going to propagate it… 🙂

If you were a doll, one of those with the string on the back, what would you say?

hmm.. my sayings…

Look at this link!
Did you know that… (insert random factoid)
Who wants a hug?
I’m in love!
Look at Newt!
I need a nap….
Want to hire me?
Let’s have (Chinese/Mexican/Italian/Indian) Food!
I want a hug!

what would your sayings be?


got a lot of chores done.

Clean the bathroom? Nah. Tomorrow. I’m through.

Missions accomplished –

Vacuum, laundry, including all linens and towels.

Grocery shopping (plus a side-trip to the grove for juice and fruit… the green grocer is gone today!) Including Newt food and sand, toiletries for me.

Played with Newt. (ok, that’s not really a chore at all. 🙂 that’s a hoot…. he loves when I bring home and empty a bunch of bags for him to play in, before I fold ’em up for storage)… he’s got a huge fort set up now, able to jump from bag to bag, sniffing what was in there. even more interesting to him than warm laundry!

As of now, I’m taking a break, probably will Just Veg a bit, and cool down… maybe later I’ll get to play some AOK2 with the sweetheart, if she’s of a mind to.

Currently wearing – black m-1 Abrams t-shirt, white ghi pants, barefoot.

Currently smelling *pretty fresh!

For lunch, a toasted cheese bagel with 2 ice-cold oranges and a large glass of iced tea. Yum.

got some junk food today, but I earned it… no Easter candy! A bottle of RC splenda cola… red raspberry.. I’ll try it after it’s been in the fridge. Also have some stella doro breakfast treat cookies. yum. for the morning, with chocolate rice dream… tasty beverage. Newt gets a fresh container of Pounce! treats.

Maybe a nap later today, too, depending on how bushed I am. Drat! I missed spongebob and the beavers…and forgot to buy a videocassette. Well, I’ll get to it eventually.

Happy Saturday, folks!

By the way, thanks shoo for the lovely earth day e-card! I’ll be sure to recycle the electrons. 🙂


Corn sakes.

I am *beat*….Slept in this morning… my body needed the snoozle… had another meeting with the groves, they want me to double the website, have a “spanish translated version” and maybe a “french translated version” too, including the shopping cart.

I can do that. 🙂

They’ve not set a timeframe yet, but the folks seem to know what they want. I imagine that project will officially start on Tuesday.

Celebrational Taco Bell, and maybe some mild booze tonight… have to check, see what I’ve got… rum & cokes, possibly.

I’m missing my sugar booger… Where’s she at?

I wonder if mr. sandman captured her… perhaps a trip to dreamland to find her is in order.

I’ll stay up a little while longer writing correspondence then hit the sack.

Kids, don’t forget the value of snail mail… it’s slower, but it’s like a present! 🙂

Sweet dreams, all.

making a few more mix CD’s…

digging around these sources.

Elvis Costello, MIGHTY LIKE THE ROSE, esp. “Broken”
The DARK CITY soundtrack
The PLUNKETT & MACLEANE soundtrack
George Clinton, GREATEST HITS
Smashmouth, ASTRO LOUNGE
Cherry Poppin’ Daddies, ZOOT SUIT RIOT
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, BIG BAD VOODOO DADDY
Alanis Morissette, JAGGED LITTLE PILL
Most of the works of the Police/Sting, Queen, Rush, and Sinatra
Crosby, Stills, & Nash, “Cathedral” and “Suite Judy Blue Eyes”
Selected works of the Art of Noise, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, Randy Neuman, Tangerine Dream, James Taylor, and Warren Zevon
A modicum of Motown, leavened with Steeleye Span.
A college band I was fond of, Neo-Pseudo.
A dash of Ookla the Mok and Barnes & Barnes for that geekilicious flavor.

Not sure how I’m going to assemble them, yet.