Category Archives: Uncategorized

I’m staying home again today, instead of spreading disease like Scotto Germyseed. I’m drinking Theraflu in which I can actually see tiny organisms evolving from radial to bilateral symmetry as I watch. Give to me health, O healing, hot, lemony brew!

Fiddling with CSS, and what I want to know is why I can’t specify type in CSS to degrade to different sizes, like so:

.sansesque { font: 12px Verdana, 14px Helvetica }

Given the x-height difference, those are really more equivalent than if both are at the same size. Does anyone know a workaround for this (or a reason it doesn’t make sense)?

(Yes, I know 14 px Helvetica looks ugly. just making an example, here)

words of the day, guest starring Tor Johnson!

Tor Johnson dulcet (DUHL-sit), adjective:
1. Pleasing to the ear; melodious; harmonious.
2. Generally pleasing, soothing, or agreeable.
3. (Archaic) Sweet to the taste.

Dulcet comes from Old French doucet, diminutive of dous, “sweet,” from Latin dulcis, “sweet.”

brown study (broun STUD-ee) noun

A state of deep absorption in thought.

[Apparently from brown in the sense of gloomy.]

Tor, is indeed a brown study in the bestial, mindless beastly side of man. Raaaahhhr!

Meanwhile my most beloved is purely dulcet in all her ways. 🙂

in the news of the stupid –
Morons Sue bin Laden
Two South Florida men filed a $1.1 trillion federal lawsuit against Osama bin Laden on Monday, alleging that as U.S. citizens the terrorist leader has threatened them with personal injury. According to the suit, the plaintiffs had to build and refortify their bomb shelters because of bin Laden’s threats. They say the threats also inflicted personal injuries on them, including high blood pressure and stomach disorders.

“Basically, he’s threatened myself and every American in this country,” Pitchford said. ”It’s against the law to threaten anybody in Florida. Based on that, he’s intentionally inflicted emotional distress.”

*rahhhhhr* Tor smash stupid sue-happy morons for slowing down the court system…. *rahhhhr*

panjandrum & greenmail

panjandrum pan-JAN-druhm, noun:
An important personage or pretentious official.

Panjandrum was coined by Samuel Foote in a piece of nonsense writing:

So she went into the garden to cut a cabbage-leaf to make an apple-pie; and at the same time a great she-bear, coming up the street, pops its head into the shop. “What! No soap?” So he died, and she very imprudently married the barber: and there were present the Picninnies, and the Joblillies, and the Garyulies, and the grand Panjandrum himself, with the little round button at top, and they all fell to playing the game of catch-as-catch-can till the gunpowder ran out at the heels of their boots.

It was composed on the spot to challenge actor Charles Macklin’s claim that he could memorize anything. Macklin is said to have refused to repeat a word of it.

greenmail GREEN-mayl noun

The practice of buying a large quantity of a company’s stock as a hostile
takeover measure, and then selling it to the company at a higher price.

[From green (money) + mail (as in blackmail).]


ajsupastar15: HEY PRETTY BOY
ajsupastar15: whats up my jigga
BigLug23: hey
BigLug23: do I know you?
ajsupastar15: yes you do
BigLug23: who are you?
ajsupastar15: Joe
BigLug23: Joe?
ajsupastar15: JOE MAMA!!!
BigLug23: ha!
Previous message was not received by ajsupastar15 because of error: User ajsupastar15 is not available.

this is like the 3rd random aim in as many days… weird.

<br /> Public Function Encrypt(ByVal Plain As String, Text As TextBox)<br /> &#8216;DUH!&#8217;<br /> Dim Letter As String<br /> For i = 1 To Len(Plain)<br /> Letter = Mid$(Plain, i, 1)<br /> Mid$(Plain, i, 1) = Chr(Asc(Letter) + 1)<br /> Next i<br /> Text = Plain<br /> End Function</p> <p>Public Function Decrypt(ByVal Encrypted As String, Text As TextBox)<br /> &#8216;DUH!&#8217;<br /> Dim Letter As String<br /> For i = 1 To Len(Encrypted)<br /> Letter = Mid$(Encrypted, i, 1)<br /> Mid$(Encrypted, i, 1) = Chr(Asc(Letter) &#8211; 1)<br /> Next i<br /> Text = Encrypted<br /> End Function

simple substitution cipher. maybe better than the lodd idea?

ow! shoulda used nipguards!

All silly pictures aside, this isn’t a joke. NipGuards, LLC manufactures and sells a patented product that prevents nipple chafing and abrasion.

a testimonial – Recently when I ran a road race, I too became a victim. A victim of nipple abrasion. It was about half way through the race that I noticed my nipples becoming tender. When I checked them out at the end of the race, I saw that they had been rubbed raw. So raw that they were bleeding. Can you imagine the embarrassment and ridicule I endured? It was horrible. Now that I have my Nipguards, I can now concentrate on my running, not my bleading nips, and give 100% everytime. It is because of Nipguards that I can now stay in shape and keep on runnin’. Thanks Nipguards!