Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ugh. Is it rude to mark a person’s resume, correcting the spelling, formatting, and grammatical errors? I’d love to grade some of these for an English class.

We have three really horrid resumes in our ‘for review’ pile…seeing as these are programmers, I’d like to think that they could run it through a spell-check or something. I’m tempted to grade them, and put red marks over the errors, so that they could find a gig somewhere else without the embarrassment. It’s not like English is a second language for them, either. (Those seem to come in formatted correctly… even if it’s the same ol’ Microsoft word ‘resume wizard’ style.) Maybe they had someone type the sheets up, and not proof ’em?


This is the city: a soot-covered graveyard of a million vanished dreams, with fifty-story headstones rising from the dirt to cast gray shadows on the spirits of the damned; a rat-infested sewer where the law of survival was to kill them before they can kill you, and don’t look too close to what’s on your plate because you may not like it; a gaudy, unwashed, flabby old hooker with a thousands faces, none of them presentable; a prison whose dingy corridors I’ve walked for seventeen long years, trying to sweep just a little of the scum and garbage off the streets… my name’s Kowalski, and I carry a broom.

Horror Writing

I’ve been thinking lately about horror, and about how best to create it in the course of telling a story in some medium. I’ve been aware of this for a while but it’s only recently that I’ve been articulating it to myself. So I thought I’d write it down now while I’m thinking about it again.

The most potent forms of fear are internal. It’s not the adrenaline panic of being ambushed or pursued. It’s the fear your own mind creates out of an ambiguous situation. When you’re alone in a dark house and you think you hear a noise, the fear you feel is what your mind comes up with out of that ambiguity. There’s nothing objectively wrong or threatening. It’s your own mind that threatens you by attempting to map a coherent pattern onto incoherent data.

In role-playing games, I’ve seen this work…especially on the very excitable. Let’s say that you have assembled a set of clues to a mystery. You’re sitting there at the table and nothing in particular is happening, so you’re sifting through these pieces of paper and trying to put it together. Suddenly, you make a connection between the clues and you have a realization. It isn’t spelled out anywhere. There isn’t a sentence you overlooked that explains the mystery. It’s just that you’ve made the connections and suddenly an explanation appears in your mind that’s frightening. You start to panic a little, and you wave your arms or say something to get the attention of the other players, and you start babbling, trying to explain what you’ve just realized. That terror, that sudden vertiginous feeling of plunging into the dark heart of a mystery is a tremendous sensation. It works because you scare yourself, not because the referee scares you outright.

I got an inkling of this idea a long time ago, when I was in high school. There was news of a tropical storm, and the newscaster explained how storms are named alphabetically starting at the first of the year, so the first storm is named something that begins with A and then the second begins with B and so on–Anna, Bartholomew, Cheryl. And I thought: what if you were watching the news and you heard about a tropical storm named Wanda. And it’s just another storm, no big deal, but then you realize that means it’s the 23rd storm of the year, and that’s a weird and terrible thing that there have been so many.

If you want to scare someone in a story, I feel that it’s best if the audience makes a realization that the characters don’t. This may be because you’ve been privy to information they haven’t witnessed, or simply because you’re thinking about things in a way they aren’t. So the story gives you A and B, and you put them together and get C and that’s what scares you.

Good horror storytelling is all about C, I think. I need to cook up a good spooky Halloween story.

purple passage

purple passage (PUR-puhl PAS-ij) noun, also purple patch, purple prose

1. A brilliant passage in an otherwise dull and uninspiring work.

2. A piece of writing marked by ornate, florid style.

[From Latin pannus purpureus (purple patch), a phrase used by poet Horace in his Ars Poetica (The Art of Poetry) to suggest a patch of royal fabric on an ordinary cloth.]

Awake for about 3 hours now.

I’m feeling a bit better, and will be going into work today…but will be careful to keep my distance from Dale, who doesn’t need to be infected by whatever bug I’ve picked up.

I was considering taking Newtie in with me for medicinal purposes, but I’m not back into the groove yet enough to do so.

I remember chatting with and telling her the news as I got it from about being born a year ago today.

8:05p, 10/18/2000

10:25 pm
8 pounds 9 oz
21 inches long

little blonde hair 🙂


i just talked to mommy and to daddy. kellie was feeding lil wee baby when i called. she’s doing fine and is very happy.

She’s grown remarkably over the last year, and I’m glad she’s a healthy and happy baby!

It’s also ‘s Birthday, and I hope that she has a wonderful one… one of the journalists I enjoy quite a lot.

My Favorite Line From Wizard of Oz

“Come out… come out… where-ever you are. To meet the young la-ady who fell from a star” Glenda was such a cool witch. Seemed like she was out of it the whole time, but then again, she did ride around in a bubble.

Dave might be giving me his old Mac this weekend… which would be very cool for doing development even more cross-platform. Now, I’m thinking about what the Network name on the Hive might be. (Current Network elements are Queen (big Brain), Worker (Lappie), and Drone (Palm).) So far, Pupa was offered, and I like that… but I figure I have until it gets strapped into the network (oh boy! AppleTalk! I haven’t dealt with that in about 2 years…we’ll see how hard or easy it is to add it to the hive at all. I’d like to share the dsl net connection and files) . I’m excited… I had a line on a free mac before, but the bottom fell out of that deal. This machine is the last one before the IMAC candy-colored ones came out… it’s beige. 🙂

You know, one day, I’ll have a lovely library in my home, with overstuffed chairs, wireless net connections, tasty scents of sandalwood and such, high bookcases reaching to the ceiling, and plenty of well read, loved books on the shelves. Meanwhile, I’ll have to be happy with boxes in my closet. Maybe this weekend I’ll get some shelves, and make more of my texts simpler to access.

As a dutiful knight, I shall carry the colors of my lady and queen.

Red KnightTo show his affection for a woman, a knight would wear her scarf or any clothing element in his tournaments.

Gold (Or)- Generosity and elevation of the mind

Red (Gules)(Qu)- Warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimity

Orange (Tawny or Tenne)- Worthy ambition

Would that I could strike out at her torment, wearing a sash of said colors… casting down those that would cause her such anguish and annoyance today… Drive a lance through the heart of the vile Server Knave (no king, he!) and then sweep my lady off of her feet for a comfortable time together, free of struggle and full of pleasure.

Other colors as well, for completeness –

Silver (Argent)- Peace and sincerity

Blue (Azure)- Truth and loyalty

Green (Vert)- Hope, vitality, plenty also joy, and loyalty in love

Black (Sable)(Sa)- Constancy or grief

Purple (Purpure)- Royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice

Maroon (Sanguine or Murray)- Patient in battle, and yet victorious.

I’m staying home again today, instead of spreading disease like Scotto Germyseed. I’m drinking Theraflu in which I can actually see tiny organisms evolving from radial to bilateral symmetry as I watch. Give to me health, O healing, hot, lemony brew!

Fiddling with CSS, and what I want to know is why I can’t specify type in CSS to degrade to different sizes, like so:

.sansesque { font: 12px Verdana, 14px Helvetica }

Given the x-height difference, those are really more equivalent than if both are at the same size. Does anyone know a workaround for this (or a reason it doesn’t make sense)?

(Yes, I know 14 px Helvetica looks ugly. just making an example, here)

words of the day, guest starring Tor Johnson!

Tor Johnson dulcet (DUHL-sit), adjective:
1. Pleasing to the ear; melodious; harmonious.
2. Generally pleasing, soothing, or agreeable.
3. (Archaic) Sweet to the taste.

Dulcet comes from Old French doucet, diminutive of dous, “sweet,” from Latin dulcis, “sweet.”

brown study (broun STUD-ee) noun

A state of deep absorption in thought.

[Apparently from brown in the sense of gloomy.]

Tor, is indeed a brown study in the bestial, mindless beastly side of man. Raaaahhhr!

Meanwhile my most beloved is purely dulcet in all her ways. 🙂

in the news of the stupid –
Morons Sue bin Laden
Two South Florida men filed a $1.1 trillion federal lawsuit against Osama bin Laden on Monday, alleging that as U.S. citizens the terrorist leader has threatened them with personal injury. According to the suit, the plaintiffs had to build and refortify their bomb shelters because of bin Laden’s threats. They say the threats also inflicted personal injuries on them, including high blood pressure and stomach disorders.

“Basically, he’s threatened myself and every American in this country,” Pitchford said. ”It’s against the law to threaten anybody in Florida. Based on that, he’s intentionally inflicted emotional distress.”

*rahhhhhr* Tor smash stupid sue-happy morons for slowing down the court system…. *rahhhhr*