Category Archives: politics

feels a little like a political post.

Ben Folds Five – One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces

September ’75 I was 47 inches high
Mom said someday I would have
A bad ass mother G.I. Joe
For your little minds to blow
I still got beat up after class

Now I’m big and important
One angry dwarf
And 200 solemn faces
Are you
If you want to see me
Check your papers and your T.V.
Look who’s tellin’ who what to do
Kiss my ass good-bye

Don’t give me that bullshit
You know who I am
I’m your nightmare little man
Vic you stole my lunch money.
Made me cry.

Jane remember second grade
Said you couldn’t stand my face
Rather than kiss me you said
You’d rather die

Now I’m big and important
One angry dwarf
And 200 solemn faces
Are you
If you want to see me
Check your papers and your T.V.
Look who’s tellin’ who what to do
Kiss my ass good-bye

You’ll be sorry one day
Yes you will, yes you will
You shouldn’t push me around
Cause I will, yes I will
You will be sorry when I’m big
Yes you will be sorry

So, I’m voting today.

I hate that it always turns out to be the “best of poor choices”, or lesser of evils.

I like Bernie, but doubt he will get anything done with our government. I prefer him because he doesn’t appear to be as sinister or in the pocket of people/corps I dislike as much as Hillary, or especially the repubs.

Hillary is supremely qualified to be president, but I don’t trust her to do the job or back the horses I support. .

  • I’m against the Patriot act, (She is pro),
  • I’m pro legalization of marijuana. (she’s against)
  • I’m Pro-gay rights (She flipflopped)
  • I’m Anti Keystone XL pipeline, she’s supported dirty oil
  • I’m pro equal pay for equal work (so is she – so that’s one!)
  • I’m for a single-payer healthcare system (she really is not)
  • I don’t think work should be taxed at a higher rate than investment (she’s against, again)
  • I am (and was) against the 2002 gulf war (she was pro, but has changed her tune now.)

That said, I suspect she will win the democrat nomination, and that’s better than anyone on the republican side as far as I can tell.

As for Bernie –

  • He’s not a proven leader.
  • I wonder why Vermont’s two biggest political leaders, Governor Peter Shumlin and Senator Patrick Leahy, have endorsed Hillary.
  • He’s 75. That’s an old dude.  What’s his expiration date in a job like President?

So, his disadvantages seem to rise over Hillary’s (the bullet list above were all items Bernie and I agree on.)