All posts by Scott von Berg

June 10, 2021 at 12:01PM

In the Mota language of the Vanuatu archipelago, a tamate-tiqa is a “ghost-shooter,” a tube of bamboo stuffed with magic and shot off against the person whom it is desired to injure.  From A Dictionary of the Language of Mota, Sugarloaf Island, Banks’ Islands by Codrington and Palmer, 1896

#magic #vintagebooks #mota #vanatu #folklore #tamatetiqa #ghostshooter #curse #blowgun

Continue reading June 10, 2021 at 12:01PM

No one really knows where Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate, one of the shortest streets in York, got its name. ⠀ Some think its original name was ‘Whitnourwhatnourgate’, aka ‘What a Street!’ Others think York’s whipping post stood here in the Middle Ages. And yet more think it basically means ‘Not One Thing Nor Another’. If that’s true, it makes it the most liminal place in York. Liminal places are usually crossroads or other spaces that aren’t one place or another. This street connects two other streets, so it’s a ‘between’ place of sorts. Though you could say that about a lot of short streets! Wherever the name came from, the ‘gate’ part of the name comes from the Norse word for street, ‘gata’. So not an actual gate.

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