Midjourney queries cont

Concept art

  1. ancient indonesia, indonesian villagers, punakawan warriors and priests, cinematic, detailed, atmospheric, epic, concept art, wimmelbilder, matte painting, background mountains, shafts of lighting, mist,, photo – realistic, concept art,, volumetric light, cinematic epic + rule of thirds | 3 5 mm, 8 k, corona render, movie concept art, octane render, cinematic, trending on artstation, movie concept art, cinematic composition, ultra – detailed, realistic, hyper – realistic, volumetric lighting, 8 k
  2. city made out of glass : : close shot : : 3 5 mm, realism, octane render, 8 k, exploration, cinematic, trending on artstation, realistic, 3 5 mm camera, unreal engine, hyper detailed, photo – realistic maximum detail, volumetric light, moody cinematic epic concept art, realistic matte painting, hyper photorealistic, concept art, volumetric light, cinematic epic, octane render, 8 k, corona render, movie concept art, octane render, 8 k, corona render, cinematic, trending on artstation, movie concept art, cinematic composition, ultra – detailed, realistic, hyper – realistic, volumetric lighting, 8 k
  3. a cute magical flying dog, fantasy art drawn by disney concept artists, golden colour, high quality, highly detailed, elegant, sharp focus, concept art, character concepts, digital painting, mystery, adventure

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