August 22, 2022 at 12:24PM

Social isolation day 892 (aug 22,2022)

There’s a new neighborhood kitty in town, a brown tabby, sort of like pearl, but the white goes up the face more, sort of like a white bandana covering everything below the eyes, cheeks and bridge of the nose. Wearing a blue collar, lounging in a yard a couple of doors down from the photo I have of the bio-suit guys in photo 7.

#swampwalk info: got a cool breeze off the bay, but once in a wind block region, it was muggy and hot. Said it was 79⁰F, probably feels ten degrees warmer. Trees are very green and lush, water has lots of activity, at least bug ripple-wise. May trees have seed pods, to boot.

#bogsafari creatures aside from new kitty – cicadas screams, Saw a few squirrels, a cardinal, and a large bird, probably a vulture very high up. Saw three humans total, 2 in bio suits and one driving a car to a meeting with a whiteboard hanging out the back.

The biosuited were masked sufficiently, but the car driver was not (though they were in a sealed system and alone, so were fine.) Addendum: spotted neighborhood kid on the roof of the house next door smoking atop the eave of the entryway. (Just outside the bedroom, probably?)

Still no capture of raccoons, orioles or eagles on our outdoor cameras. We are rapidly approaching the one year mark on our backyard cameras and I am pretty happy with the results we have gotten this far.

In other journal news, got my hair and beard trimmed to convict length for comfort during the remaining summer months. I will no doubt return to shaggy mountain man / santa status as cooler months prevail.

#streamofthought #walkabout #august222022 #sisto #sistobrak #glyos


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