January 26, 2021 at 03:01PM

Pulled from most recent grab bag drop- wave 15 DX Dungeon Thief (homage to Zarak the Evil-Half Orc Assassin from LJN’s Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons note where the hyphen is)

Love the black hand belt and the alternate Barbarian / Dwarf heads with red eyes. The blue cap on the goblin head is pretty great, too.

A pretty great tribute despite some basic costume and character changes. Not shown is the also great anklyosaur head and shell shield.

#glyos #glyoscompatible #onelldesign #spymonkeycreations #dungeonthief #zarak #battletribes #wave15 #Toyphotography #modulartoys #dwarf #barbarian https://instagr.am/p/CKhVaXAAxtj/