Day 60 of Quarantine

Remarkable to think about it. Haven’t driven a car more than a block once week or so to keep it running.

Haven’t had takeout or eaten in a restaurant for two months now.

Interaction is limited to inlaws, who I fear aren’t being as safe as they might be, and neighbors out walking. I don’t go more than a block away from home.

I have managed to procrastinate quite a bit on cleaning my office. Several false starts, but no satisfying accomplishments.

We are fortunate in that working from home is an option, and I think that saving 80+ hours a month of commute time, not to mention weekend trips elsewhere.

I do miss pizza though… Thai and sushi a little as well.

Fortunate that no major health issues for Pyewacket or either of the humans yet. Getting our meds, eating reasonably healthy.

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