9710 – monday

Slow wake up day, taking it easy. I’m pretty creaky, and BHK is in more need of an oil can than I am, today.

BHK made me some lovely chocolate pancakes for breakfast… so much that we couldn’t finish ’em. There’s still one mammoth tasty circle in the fridge for later.

We went upstairs and relaxed a bit – caught up with afew episodes of reaper (end of season 1) and then I went on walkabout on my own – BHK was too out of it to go today, so I made a quick route, but saw Zorro and a few of the other kitties – see photos below. Garden is coming along – cauliflower and cabbage both are growing nicely.









Watched Castle, the Unusuals (BHK fell asleep, so I also started meet the spartans… dumb movie, but it was what I was looking for at the moment.)

1 year ago – mother’s day, south county cafe, set up pyecam

2 years ago – guessing c gets the gig, suspecting my temp gig will dry up, hot chips, palm doodle, time dilation

3 years ago – 8m of water flood sim, 12 hours at air and sea, bunny-newt, brush fire sunset, dolphins use names

4 years ago – bro on my list, sickies, quiz, why’s it called a fly?, summer holidays

5 years ago – Bear Armor on ebay, smile, Man Fatally Bitten by Sexually Aroused Horse, random lj poems

6 years ago – first incident of Frankie the mooch, I win my 4th There-buggy, Newt Brings me a Lizard for Mom’s Day, Condompillars, I join friendster (and never really do anything with it.)

7 years ago – saw Robb online, Saw Spidey with Jenjen, playing a lot of computer games, a tattoo that is lost, and I don’t remember.

8 years ago – evil world news, nice evening at homeGeotargetVisitor Map