9656 – Saturday –

Cable guy came by this morning to evaluate our Internet – he replaced the line from the pole to our house, and the box on the pole – looks better, but they’re sending out another truck on Monday to evaluate some more. I’m just glad it’s not an "inside the house" issue. I suspect with so many folks using Verizon around here, we may be the only Comcast people using that particular line. (side edit, spellchecker wanted to change "Comcast" to "compost". I feel the same way. )

While waiting for the cable guy, BHK tuned in to Twilight and I watched it with her.  It was about what I expected. The lead characters didn’t do much for me – I saw no "sizzle" and they weren’t particularly attractive. There was certainly a powerful Mary Sue vibe going on. I’d say I liked the wolf tribe folks most of the lot of ’em, and I think BHK liked the little emo-haircut news-kid.

After the pole-climber was done, we headed out for the day – First got my shots in record time – (BHK and Kendall’s Mom chatted, so it seemed more quickly that I thought) – Instead of our usual walk around town, I thought it’d be nice to take BHK to Annapolis and just hoof it there for a bit.

Did a lot of window shopping and people-watching. Rather than getting lunch, we just sort of nibbled at the assorted stops along the way. Split a bagel here, a cookie there, a coffee somewhere else.

Stopped off at third eye comics – picked up vol 1 of Planetary and the Essential Dr. Strange . (BHK grabbed The New York Four – being an NYU grad and all) They guys at Third Eye are always willing to lend a hand, and can recommend stuff that they think I’ll like – so far, so good! I’m not a huge Warren Ellis fan, but planetary has a lot of good stuff in it – and I’ve always dug Dr. Strange.

Passed by an estate sale – lots of nifty antiques – I think it gave BHK the idea to do a distressed dresser in the bedroom.

K-mart of the walking dead – Got some solar-charged tiki lights for the porch walkway. The employees and customers were more than a little frightening – red-eyed and many doing the thorozine shuffle. Contemplated lawn furniture for spring, and decided against it, as it was too rickety for me to be sitting on for any extended period.

Visited the local hardware store to look for a bracket to hang the bell from my dad’s boat up – may return there next week.

Paused at a school yard sale (raising money for the band to go to Canada) – we got some baked goods – a crazy-colored cupcake (see below), and a brownie…  BHK also snagged a hot dog, and bought her mom some orange glasses – perfect for a margarita sometime. I obtained another webcam – this one was only $1 after BHK haggled it down from $2. We’ll see if it works later this month.  Also seen below are the ATW man playing ping pong, a found travel bug (trailer on the bio lab at the same yard sale) and an advertisement that stopped BHK in her tracks. PUPPIES IN BABY CRIBS.

BHK loved the Puggle , but I was a bigger fan of the Brussels Griffon not as cute, but it had a fantastic and playful personality – a little "tough guy". It’s a good thing I’m still very allergic to the critters, or something probably would’ve come home with us.


The in-laws met with us later on, and we did supper at Adam’s Ribs – a onion loaf was bit greasy, but the veggies were good, and the service excellent.

Finished up Twilight when we got home… a lovely full day.

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8 years ago – IMT politics, and so onGeotarget