8919 Tuesday

24 generations =16,777,216 ancestors. I guess I won’t be taking my family tree that far!

I’m drinking way too much soda pop and coffee type stuff. Maybe it’s time to go on a Soda Sabbatical.

Crazy early morning wake up today… I had trouble getting out of bed again… it’s too comfy cozy under the covers with the kitties and BHK.

Dear Fox news. You’ve confirmed my thoughts about you again and again, but this is totally ridiculous. (via ecto – warning, justifiably foul language in the text) – Fox news making a claim that Fred Rogers was evil. Not as a joke, or ironically. Fox news should recognise evil… it sees it in the mirror every day. Reporting like that is beyond just evil.. they live in a world of lies and madness.

From the link –

It’s a disgusting, vile little piece and it’s very likely that you won’t be able to get through all of it. To summarize. Fox News’ argument for Mr. Rogers being “evil” goes like this: he told two entire generations of children that they were “special just the way they are.” Then, in what can only be described as a despicable lie, the Fox News anchors claim that that’s precisely where Mr. Rogers left off. He never taught children anything except to merely exist in a static state of selfish self-entitlement. And that’s why my entire generation is comprised entirely of rapists, murderers, welfare recipients and drug addicts.

There are a lot of reasons to be offended by this, but the biggest reason is that Fred Rogers was the kindest, most inspiring and most loving man to have lived in the last 100 years. His love for children and his passion for their education and well-being were absolute and unhypocritical. Watch this clip from Mr. Rogers’ testimony to the US Senate in 1969 to increase funding for PBS. If you disagree with Mr. Rogers politically, that’s okay, but there is no mistaking the sincerity of his passion for child development.

In other news, millions of years ago there were human-sized penguins.

Giant penguins. Is there anything not awesome about the phrase “giant penguins”?

1 year ago – defective materials, algo march 2, control freak, McCain on Lieberman, Michigan fairy doors, random flickr

2 years ago – Kev day, pictures of train station/toys/etc, mr moonlight

3 years ago – mind flayer doodle, travel plans, blue ink, Warriors…., phone posts

4 years ago – odd dreams, Gary hart, pizza box solar oven, hunting for Bambi hoax, walnut walks with a belly dancer

5 years ago – CHiPs, Spreading rumors

6 years ago – Music Mystery Solved, exegesis, evil news, Earhart’s wreck perhaps found, I discover Google image search, sea creature poll, why poop is brown

7 years ago – Scheduled Departure time set in stone, something at Archie McPhee no longer there, sitcom nudity-logic Geotarget

8917 – Monday

BHK took a what seems like a metric ton of our cucumbers and made an absolutely delicious pickle salad for dinner tonight. I grilled some veggie burgers and zucchini on the grill in some teriyaki sauce, and I’d say it was one of the tastiest meals we’ve had in a little while. I can’t say enough about how much I enjoy eating food we grew right out back. Come winter, I guess all we’ll be able to munch on is preserves and pickles – our own sort of dandelion wine, as BHK so charmingly puts it.

Harvest on Sunday night, pre-pickling
future pickles!

Newt and Pye were extra-bonus cuddly and sweet this morning… making even more difficult to get out of bed. Fortunately, they can be distracted by one another when I have to start getting dressed.

Newt and Pye play king of the hill

My body isn’t nearly so creaky this morning, nor is my eye puffy at all. Still not sure what set those off yesterday… just summer heat and pollen, I’m guessing.

I finished Runaways – not bad, and I’ll keep reading, but I have my doubts about the next story arc. I’m going to reserve judgement though… I’ve enjoyed it thus far (Also not a big fan of Joss Whedon.)

Last night I dreamt about playing some sort of game with monochrome plastic big rigs. Perhaps a combination of The Transformers movie and Treehouse?

via LooneyLabs – Cheese contains casein, a dairy protein which contains tiny opiate molecules called casomorphins, which are “remarkably like morphine” and pack about a tenth of morphine’s opiate strength! (I also found it fascinating that cheese proved harder to give up, for people in this article , than ice cream, hamburgers, chicken, and even cigarettes.)

1 year ago – / 2 years ago – / 3 years ago – / 4 years ago – / 5 years ago – / 6 years ago7 years agoGeotarget

(via Scotto’s Wall Scrawls)

8916 – sunday

Woke up creaking like the tin man, and my eye was aggravated by some sort of dust particle… between the swollen eye and bent over stance, I should’ve been ringing bells and screaming for sanctuary all morning.

Yesterday’s smoothies were so terrible that we went to the grocer, got some yogurt and fruit, and BHK made some jim-dandy, extra tasty smoothies for our breakfast supplemented by hard-boiled eggs and biscuits today.

Today we went to a place that held a lot of fond memories for me as a young gamer-geek. The Compleat Strategist… There was one in Hollywood, Florida way back in the 80s… a source of many fond memories. It was a sad day about 18 years ago when it burned down… even when some supposedly smoke-damaged merchandise appeared at the new Dragon’s Lair a few months later. I sometimes wonder if the “Dragon” reference was an inside joke about the fire. Rumors abounded at the time, though I don’t know of any actual validity to the same.

We landed at the Strategist in Falls Church, Virginia… and… well, I’ve been spoiled by Aardvark, I think. I was fairly underwhelmed, even though they have a huge amount of stock… probably four or five times that of Little Aardvark’s.

Nice thing about the Virginia place was that it was mostly clean – no dust on any of the good in the front, and the books were well-organized by game and title. If I’d been there looking for RPG stuff or Wargaming stuff, I’d have been set.

Unfortunately, I was looking for parlor games. The little corner in the back reminded me of the “pervy” section of old video stores. The light bulb overhead was dim, the packages heavily manhandled with cellophane and cardboard torn. The games were in semi-alpha order…. but not quite. Some stuff was on pegs, some on shelves, some boxes lay half open. I might’ve wept openly for the poor pente tube in the corner without a visible lid or board inside.

I can’t find a thing that I want. BHK spots Treehouse and Ice Towers on the wall… I get excited, and ask about some other games, almost sure that he’ll know something about one or more of these… almost all are major award winners, and have a pretty large following.

Do you have

Nope, nope and nope. We had money for a game or three more burning a hole in our pocket, and finally asked…

“OK, then… based on what we mentioned… what do you recommend? We like fun, fast-paced games with a mix of strategy and random chance. What do you have that’s cute with a deck of cards and a die in it?”

The proprietor was too busy playing mechwarrior with another regular at the store to give us any more answer than “if it’s not on the shelf, we don’t have it…”

Not a very talkative fellow, unless he was reciting how many bonuses he had to hit the other toy robot on the board. So much for me pumping him for info regarding the old florida store or reminiscing… I suspect that the Florida CS burned down when he was maybe three years old.

That sort of disappointed us… BHK asked him about a high school clique game, and he said he’d never played it, but a guy friend did, and didn’t much like it. That was the most extensive review we got from him… heck, those were the most words spoken to us at one time.

Still no other advice, so we browsed for about a half hour or so, found a few games, and noted to purchase them elsewhere. Chez Goth, Treehouse with Martian Coasters, Puerto Rico. That’s like $100 or so worth of games, I’d guess. He lost the only sale it looked like he might make that day.

The best aspect of going was that we got some freebie Star Wars constructable ship-combat game as throwaway swag. We got a spare for Amy, too, for when she comes up to visit next week.

On our way to another game store in the Virginia area, Alan rang us up, and we all went out the the Lebanese butcher for some tasty falafel, hummus with pine nutes, and baba ghanoush.

Instead of dorking around, we trundled over to his place in the city… *very* nice. Alan has a real flair for design, and his home is like a showcase… TM, BHK, and I gabbed with him for a bit about Pollack’s strengths and weaknesses, including the Guggenheim dirt, and he played piano for us for a bit. He’s a very talented guy, and a kind host… I’m glad to have him as part of the family.


See video of him playing here

We returned home, tired but feeling good about the day – it ended a lot better than it had begun.

1 year ago – furniture, kevin smith & superman, pocket windows (note- add to new flash drive), coral square mall pictures, fin fang foom, algorithm march w/ninjas, girls on walls

2 years ago – broward and fed autostitch, visited kev, walkabout pictures with rastas and shirtless, tell-tale heart in street signs, overheard

3 years ago – spidey, weather, let them sing it for you, freddy vs gb

4 years ago – remembering the keys, overtime psa, comic books, workman’s comp, prostate cancer

5 years ago – newt in sink, bro gets viper fins sponsor, pesky security, badly drawn images on a bumpy road, punquin finds my 125 item list

6 years ago – Evil News, bad joke, crux, random journals, nice thing poll, designer’s lament, laptop space bar weird, hatt-baby, email plain text

7 years ago – Enjoyed the X-men movie, 1974 memory visiting Florida, reprint of Scooby & the occult, insomnia Geotarget (via Scotto’s Wall Scrawls)