8876 – Fiat Lux: Ordo Ab Chao

Fiat Lux: Ordo Ab Chao, originally uploaded by musicmuse_ca.

At the Masonic House of Temple of the Scottish Rite in Washington DC.

1 year ago – bangs!, 70s nostalgia, net neutrality, heifer.org, zombie powered car, blondie, smothers brothers, hurricane, tv openings, far out space nuts, 3’s company, tomi’s vette, electrawoman and dynagirl

2 years ago – Going postal, free pie, Global Frequency, Who, Kim Possible, writing, JC & fish sammiches, mouse update, UN food force, Hav, Work Sanity, fridge cleanup, Chloe-pup, sweet farm girl mp3, Hunter-Newt face pics (vs. a paper strip)

3 years ago – Astronauts, Hound Dogs, doodles, $0.21, CoH rough, Camels vs Tigers, Hustler Store on its way

4 years ago – there-music, vampires, Bollywood posters, billy the kid

5 years ago – wondering about hover cars and jetpacks, mad shark, bad tattoos,rainbow in every teardrop, kid at work day, wondering about my own,Freedom force supers, misc bro & Danny get togethers

6 years ago – irenic & potatory, recovering from yuck, idea12, waving, coffee flavored cereals, evil news, html brad hoax, plucking out a worm, l-struck

7 years ago – fooling myself, Superman is JC, site poetry via cmdrtacoGeotargetVisitor Map

8875 – Carcassonne

Carcassone (Hunter and Gatherers) is more fun than I’d thought it would be. BHK and I played last night, and we were neck and neck throughout. I suspect that there will be some good tactics developed over the next two or three plays – especially on land development. It’s not complicated at all, and the play is fast. (Not as uncomplicated as blink, which we also played… which might be better suited to play with kids aged 12 and under.)

I wonder how good the other games in the series are? More of the same, but with different art? I’ll be investigating. We’ll certainly be playing at least one game with Danny when he’s up for a visit from 6/20-6/27GeotargetVisitor Map