8805- midweek

I was feeling really draggy yesterday. One thing after another was just weighing heavily and someone turned the gravity up to about 5 or 6 times heavier than usual. The ol’ back was tweaking a little, and then spasmed really heavily before bed – I’m glad that I went right from that point to sleep time.

BHK made some fantastic lasagna last night – tofu meatballs gave it a lot of extra flavor. That was the highlight of the day.

I’m not sure why I’ve been so tuckered out – probably a combination of low-end stressors due to physical allergy vs meds stuff, combined with normal wear and tear on the bod due to actually working a gig again.

Lots of running around, mostly a hardware day today. HD, new pc, refurbished a pc, a few images, some port security and phones.

Some slices from my life, doodled on the palm.

1 year ago – mp3, gp & kat missed, b5 / dr who, blue tarps, cloud pic

2 years ago – tv-shoot, whale cam, regional anthropology, sesame street, dream Bhk & Pye, Gamer quiz, illuminati, little cowpoke, celeb diaries, i feel great, moist towelettes, astronaut jones, 9 years for spammer, bush toy
3 years ago – easter, peeps, image collages, pelicans, spidey-2

4 years ago – first 4 children in the vampire game, got my offer from JKG

5 years ago – Programmer / Engineer gag, lovely private entries, including Blackstone’s Reading.

6 years ago – pork taco brain worm, Power-puff Scotto, grove meeting, An open letter to browser sniffers, agogGeotargetVisitor Map