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A little poetry I’ve been composing for a week now:

I’m a doodiehead. I wet the bed. I love baboons so my butt is red.

That was in my lj client this morning. Hmmm… Was it Newt, or Bhk? Neither are owning up to it.

Dindin at the momsters went pretty well, but at about 8:30, I just totally ran out of energy and we bid the folks adieu. Hit the sack after doing some last minute chores… I hardly remember ’em, as I was a zombie.

I want to write something else, but I’m drawing a little bit of a blank. I’m having a wonderful home life lately, and look forward to it continuing for many a moon to come, even if I suffer from a little lj vandalism from cohabitants from time to time. I still have to post some more doodles and piccies. Walkabout or just more outdoor time this weekend!

edit:see comments for Newt piccies

I’m off! until later, dear journal!

1 year ago – Roger Ramjet, Underdog, and “Tick-tock” Tyler. Super Drugs, away!, great icon, work woes, condo stuff, power outage map,

2 years ago – bush “wins”, monkey attacks, kerchiefs, hillary ahnold,

3 years ago – lots of lj “coming soon”, AIM costumes, got a pointless commode, , nice chat, Awesome music, eye placement, 50 icons available, Pellucidar, City of Dead girls

4 years ago – Smitty-chat, bunnies, SOP, heroclix painting, ghost busters toons online

5 years ago – trogs, color-poll, hurricane, Hateful things

6 years ago – R&J

7 years ago – Newt moves to kibble from liquid foodGeotarget

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