8083 – Tuesday… back to work. Bleh!

GeotargetIf you haven’t yet, please install this security fix.

The Dan-man and I went out to an all-you-dare-eat buffet for Sushi/Thai/Chinese, and it was actually quite good. Afterward, we swung by Crabby Jacks to solve his caffeine needs and Miranda got a pretty awesome tip ($5 after a bill for $0.69 – the coffee was free and I had a draft) – after we hung out a bit and chitty-chatted. I told him a bit about my beliefs regarding meeting someone for a lifelong commitment at this point (I suspect odds of meeting someone that I have chemistry with, a minimum of emotional baggage, and a mutual appreciation of one another to be very, very, very slim.) Explained to him why Magda wasn’t a viable option, though she and I did have a nice time together. I honestly don’t know if there are any wedding bells in my future, but If I were a betting man, I know that I’d opt for “not likely.” I know good couples are out there… Dave & Cathi / GrayPumpkin & Katt are two of the best examples of two pairings as well-suited for one another for life that I can think of.

In the last decade, I’ve had the following serious relationships:

Lees – 6 months
Eryn – 3 months
April – 4 months
Rachel – 6 months
CEJ – 2ish years, Almost 3 if you count on and off time
D – A bit over a year
Mel – 3 months
Magda – 5 months (9 minus the months where she was in Columbia)

Come to think of it, I don’t have any trouble getting dates… it’s the longevity that needs work. Breakups are fairly even, an assortment of reasons, from a lack of trust to a lack of interest.

Hair-wise, we’ve got a Blond x2, Brown x3, Black x2, and a Redhead
Tattoo-wise – 6 had ink.. some got it while I was with ’em.
Politics/Attitudes – Leftx2, Modx4, Rightx2
Readers – 4 yes, 4 no
eye color – Brown – 5 Hazel -1 Blue – 2
all were fairly chesty

I’ve been proposed to on two different occasions, and I honestly thought I’d end up with CEJ for life… she was the last one that gave me those sorts of feelings.

Looking back, I do pretty well, for a serial monogamist with no vehicle of his own.

Dan got me a few very nice gifts for Christmas…. No Software this year. A used book on dinosaurs, a new copy of Pratchett’s Last Hero, a t-shirt and a zip-up shirt (both too small, unfortunately), a carrying case for a digital camera/palmtop, and some jalepeno peanuts. We tried out the Peking House restauant, but it had a bad vibe, so we went to the one we’re more fond of dining at.

Moment of Lyric – mp3 / flash video (Here’s his LJ, by the way – trapezzoid)