8130 – out with the work kids (and Tracy)

GeotargetNo video card yesterday. Perhaps today is Big Brain’s Day. Perhaps today, the moon will crack in fourths, and the glowing pink gas inside will descend from above to turn us all into delicious edible ferns for when the dinosaurs come back.

Dear Compusa…

If you can’t make your mind up, We’ll never get started.
And I don’t wanna wind up
Being parted, broken-hearted.
So if you really love me,
Say yes.
But if you don’t, dear, confess.
And please don’t tell me
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

Out with the gang at Max’s at the Beach place. Pictures of Kaytee, Randy, Tracy and Vicki under the cut. Apparently, I’m the only person in South Florida without a hard E at the end of my Name… even our server’s name was Andy. Tracy’s new haircut was quite fetching, as was Kaytee’s. Liz couldn’t make it due to her flying out to be with her family due to Grandpa’s pancreas issues.

3 blonds and a bearded guy.

8129 –

GeotargetWill I get big brain today, or will I have to huff and puff and bloooooow compusa down?

via christinStudy: Most College Students Lack Skills
More than 50percent of students at four-year schools and more than 75 percent at two-year colleges lacked the skills to perform complex literacy tasks.

That means they could not interpret a table about exercise and blood pressure, understand the arguments of newspaper editorials, compare credit card offers with different interest rates and annual fees or summarize results of a survey about parental involvement in school.

Rest of the article can be found here:

Heard from Liz for the first time in a while yesterday. That was nice… apparently she’s keeping two jobs to bring in the bucks.I’m glad to see she’s got some buddies down south.

You are the little prince.

Saint Exupery’s ‘The Little Prince’ Quiz.
brought to you by Quizilla

1 year ago – Sicky Mel, PSA, No new drama month, paypal button for charity, weather, Korean postal robots guards, MA lobster strike, Monkey king, fibs and truths answers, weather

2 years ago – crapulent, British WWII photo archive, Chick Tract, homeowners groups lacking

3 years ago – bawled out my bro, bashed up my hands.

4 years ago – walkies, coloring book fairy, waterlog ear, some dead links and some live ones, full moon birth, good dreams.

5 years ago – Iron Man, brain eating, thinking about my dad, smitten, First experience with a good LJ client, Fred the enema cat.

8126 – lj shakeup

GeotargetCool Icon of the moment – if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate

Worked Late both Tuesday and Wednesday…I’m hoping that I can but out a bit early today or ideally tomorrow, maybe to give me time to pick up big brain if it’s all better by then.

Well, this might calm down some holier than thou Mozilla preachers out there (don’t get me wrong, I surely prefer firefox over MSIE – but anytime somethinggets a new feature, some clown will find a way to clog the pipes.) Problematic enough that Livejournal is reformatting how page URLs are laid out. Added Kudos to LJ_maint for being about as vague as possible regarding this issue in the meantime. [update – news clarifies things a bit better here. ]

My suspicions about Lost seem to be coming to light –

From Damon Lindelof (one of the creators of the show) – “If you’re watching the show because you’re waiting for the big answers to come, you have to understand that by the nature of what it is — it’s not a movie, it’s not a series of movies, it’s not a trilogy, it’s not a miniseries — it’s going to be on the air for as long as ABC wants to keep it on the air…how can you ever possibly think that Lost will end in a satisfying way? Carlton (the other co creator) and I can almost guarantee you that it will not.

That said, I still dug the Mr. Eko/Charlie/Island Monster Episode enough to follow along. I just won’t plan for it all to come together in any good way when the show ends… I’ll just toss it in the box with X-files, Twin Peaks, and the rest. Like those, when it turns to poop, I’ll stop watching, until someone recommends a particular episode. Heck, I’d already resigned myself to that anyhow.

1 year ago – Lots of family drama, weather, link sponsor, classic C&H, 10 truths – 5 fibs poll, boxer vs rice, monkey king’s tomb

2 years ago – Happy b’day, FB!, MLK, Big Fish with Danny, hair in soy sauce, cotton candy autopsy

3 years ago – music and food for bro, silly sound bites

4 years ago – nice dreams, biochemical weapons and parking meters, I enjoyed Fellowship, poor choice in names

5 years ago – Massive layoffs, cartoon bird gender, misc writing, digging Jenny Lee’s singing

8124 –

GeotargetI don’t know what I was thinking… that all of the homeless would pack up and go into lockdown, but they seemed even more populous than ever on the ride to work yesterday. I mentally tallied 36 as the bus rolled by them.

Big Brain’s video card arrived damaged. Murphy’s law, I imagine. They’re sending another one, and it should be installed by Friday. Gary, the Head muck-de-muck apologized again, and gave me “his personal guarantee” that it would be installed and my machine would be ready for use by Friday after work.

Yeah, yeah, right, right. We’ll see.

Is it a sign of Newt really disliking my mashed potatoes if he hops on the table and scratches, trying to cover it up like it was in the sandbox? I suspect the chives are what set him off.

Moment of Lyric: (video link)

After all the jacks are in their boxes
And the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
Footsteps dressed in red
And the wind whispers Mary
A broom is drearily sweeping
Up the broken pieces of yesterdays life
Somewhere a queen is weeping
Somewhere a king has no wife
And the wind, it cries Mary
The traffic lights, they turn, uh, blue tomorrow
And shine their emptiness down on my bed
The tiny island sags down stream
’cause the life that lived is,
Is dead
And the wind screams Mary
Uh-will the wind ever remember
The names it has blow in the past?
And with this crutch, it’s old age, and it’s wisdom
It whispers no, this will be the last
And the wind cries Mary

1 year ago – mushroms and eggplant, barefoot craving, acronym cursing, Panama city teens, prozac suicides

2 years ago – popeye is 75, duckburg, powerskip, santa cluster maint, hybrids, beach-dweller picture that will make you shriek, brain sammiches, cam pics, cap’n strong

3 years ago – tan me hide, kartoo, SOP, coloring book entry

4 years ago – Accessory animals. Enron & GWB/pretzel, watching Lone Gunmen, Newt came to work, skate porn

5 years ago – Hot outside! Metallica sues Victoria’s Secret, the weather the cuckoo likes, my first LJ flame attack (and my rebuttal)

8123 – Beware the Ghost who walks


NEW DELHI (Reuters) – An Indian man who was believed dead caused panic when he returned, causing villagers to think he had come back as a ghost, the Times of India reported Monday.

Children screamed “Ghost! Ghost!” and villagers locked their doors when Raju Raghuvanshi returned from jail earlier this month to his village in Mandla district in the central state of Madhya Pradesh.

Raghuvanshi’s brothers, who had shaved their heads to mourn his death in line with Hindu tradition, fled when he appeared, the paper reported.

Villagers and family members have ostracized him, forcing Raghuvanshi to file a complaint with local police. The village council has demanded he prove he is not a ghost, but the paper did not say what kind of proof the elders wanted.

Raghuvanshi’s troubles arose after he was jailed last year. In prison, he was admitted to hospital with a stomach ailment from which he recovered but a distant relative told his family he had died.

8120 –

GeotargetGroggy, foggy head this morning. Can’t seem to shake off the stupids.

Bro’s rolling in big dollars lately. I suspect he’s up to more than pressure cleaning, but don’t know for sure. He did sound clear and solid on the phone last night.

Video found on a search for Iguana and “scream like a girl” – Of course it’s some wacky asian game show.

club scene
Florida Homeless Beating Caught on Videotape. Continue reading 8120 –

8118 – Martin Luther King Day


“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.”
     – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

» Americans to Celebrate King Holiday By Serving Others

» View 2006 MLK Day of Service Project Listings
» Click here to register your MLK Day of Service Project

» National Service Agency Announces Grants to Support Service
   Projects on 2006 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

» View the 2005 MLK Day of Service Photo Gallery

During his lifetime, Dr. King sought to forge the common ground on which people from all walks of life could join together to address important community issues. Working alongside individuals of all ages, races and backgrounds, Dr. King encouraged Americans to come together to strengthen communities, alleviate poverty, and acknowledge dignity and respect for all human beings. Service, he realized, was the great equalizer.

On January 16, 2006, as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday, Americans across the country will celebrate by honoring the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Hundreds of thousands of Americans will remember and memorialize Dr. King by participating in service projects in their communities. Together, they will honor King’s legacy of tolerance, peace, and equality by meeting community needs and making the holiday “A day ON, not a day OFF.”