8022 – Come with me now on a journey through time and space!

GeotargetGot a wonderful hand-made card from ilenebook featuring an adorable rodent playing with berries in a Christmas sort of way.Thank you!

Went to the condo’s Christmas party last night…Not many of the young people attended, but it was nice to socialize with some of the building-folk when they’re not arguing about rules and bylaws. I got off easy on the food aspect, as I brought dinner rolls and such. They had a lot of veggie alternatives to munch on, and it was tasty.

Moment of lyric:

Calm a llama down
Calm a llama deep down
In the ocean blue
Like a barnacle
Sitting in the tight place
Laughing at the monkey arm
Pulling like a china boy

Kara-way noise

Boing si ka semala
Boing si ka semala

1 year ago – salty seas, Christmas toy, year in review, celebrex, anime fans, con folk,

2 years ago – trade invites for play $$, dreams

3 years ago – How to attain old age, got my epidural.

4 years ago – Crime & Punishment, heterodox, evil news, HP question, pooter poop, bagpipe, egoboo, giant bee.

5 years ago – met tarpo and isis, LJ sea Chantey, AOK-ing, Christmas Blues