7815 – Saturday Morning

I feel as if I haven’t had much to say these last couple of days. Nothing that isn’t just a rehash of the same old stuff, anyhow.

All the bad things are still bad, all the good things are still good. Still waiting to hear about the condo. Work is the same, play is the same.

I think it’s time for another walkabout, but it’s raining heavily outside, and there are chores to do. Perhaps later, or tomorrow.

There’s been a slight sense of displacement lately. Hopefully that’ll get rectified soon.

Last night, I went to a get together with some of the work guys, and that was sort of mediocre. Too many people to move freely through. Interesting to see LH again and a few others… a number of former networking contacts were renewed, too. Hopefully Citrix will hook us up with the site licenses and hardware that SC mentioned earlier. Hoofed it over this path during the course of the evening. (which burned about 550 calories, vs the intake of about 400 calories of fluids)

1 year ago – conspiracy rotary, sweet rain, Scotto q&A, handwriting analysis

2 years ago – noise with Sam and Frankie, big brain surgery plan, Riverworld, weird pics, execution map, speakeasies, tiki art, windows in bios, spoilers

3 years ago 9-5 ends, rocket belts, palm doodles, Cej b’day, Szechuan Spiced Tofu recipe

4 years ago – dreams of my sweetheart and I, sex, and giant ants in the old west, nipguards, random aims.

5 years ago – spirals, tom jones, crazy drunk link, newt’s crinkle flea, dr t and the women, and a cool, dream-comic strip.