7339 –

Ah, choco chippie cookies arrived yesterday in a box the size of New Zealand. (FedEx large!) Newton also liked the brown-paper padding to protect on the edges of the Tupperware container. They are delicious, and only a little settling occurred in shipping. (a choco chip cookie tastes just as good when broken in half, anyhow!)

Thank you so very, very much, weezleweezle! You’re a very kind friend, and I appreciate your delightful efforts! Maybe that “trade of goods” could work out after all! 😉

Very Brief Moment of Lyric (mp3) – will expire in 7 days or so. Thanks, edenette!

Hot Monkey / Hot Ass / Cold Beer / No Class

Nice time in 2nd life… touring is a hoot with a sweet conversationalist. I need to learn a little notecard scripting for the orb, and it’ll be even better. Related – Wells Fargo Buys ‘Second Life’ Island

You are the Minister of Silly Walks...Dare to be different!
You are the Minister of Silly Walks

What Monty Python Sketch Character are you?
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Newt and I horseplaying.

I gave RS a little smoking reality check yesterday at lunch… I can paint a dark picture when I want to. She was talking about wanting to quit smoking so that she can be alive to see her daughter (now 4) grow into a young woman… and then offhandedly said that afterwards to relieve the stress of thinking about her kid not having a mom.. she smokes a ciggie. I told her to think of her girl looking at her headstone and crying next time she wants to light up. She was fairly mortified.

1 year ago -skeeters are coming, Approached to hoax, enron should be glad it’s not Chinese, bro’s gf in jail, Colee contacts me

2 years ago – cej gab, goober and nims, Bottle Imps, Napellus, Salamander’s Feather, Screech Owl, Sycomancy, Tiromancy, sex x-rays, passthison, first night of 24 hour call, universe POVs, super leaping dancers (my standing leap is now about a foot, guinness, anti-spam

3 years ago -rave, dave, mageknight,

4 years ago– Ziito, Vulkon, and helpful hints re: gremlins.

5 years agoApplelard comes out of the Bon Jovi closet, present reminder, and federal spending thoughts.

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