7392 – more aphosims, or not.

Back to work again…Monday Morning meeting summons.

Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero Name The Armadillo
Super Power Mind-Reading
Enemy Frozen Corpse Of Walt Disney
Mode Of Transportation Shopping Cart
Weapon Tampons
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Wayne Dyer is entertaining, delivers a sense of being gentle and kind, and probably helps a lot of people out. He’s not for me, though.

Intention is a force that we all have within us, and we have the power to draw this energy into our lives by being the energy we want to attract.

Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.

Those are nice sentiments, though he walks a slippery slope, taking truths and following a few logical fallacies. “Canada is in North America… therefore, if you’re not in Canada, you’re not in North America”. Um, not quite.

but I also think that a multi-millionaire that charges $450 a seat to give people peace / give better energy / spiritual calm / self-worth smells of profiteering.

I start to see it as a person preying on people’s fears and desires. I could be totally off, but I don’t think that I am. Why not make the book and audio freely available? You’d think that giving people peace and self-value would be more important than selling things that are grossly overpriced. Maybe the money goes to charities to help others… not that I know of. Maybe it’s because I only ever see him when PBS needs money.

To put a different spin on it… Hey, if he’s making money and it’s actually making people happy, why shouldn’t he? You pay a doctor to repair damage, etc.

What’s with all the coming “Alien Invasion from the Ocean” stuff? This is even more “too similar for comfort” than the meteor strike movies and “submarine” clones they’ve done prior.

I suspect that everyone is sucking on the teat of Lost and “weirdness on the beach is great TV!”

ABC:Invasion – When yet another devastating hurricane threatens Florida, temporarily cutting off a small town at the edge of the Everglades, U.S. Park Ranger Russell Poole takes heroic measures to keep both the town’s citizens and his family safe. In the middle of the violent storm, his young daughter Rose is the only one to see small lights floating towards the water, seemingly unaffected by the vicious winds.

CBS:Threshold – “in a suspenseful drama about a team of experts who are assembled when the U.S. Navy makes a chilling discovery: an extra terrestrial craft has landed in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. Dr. Molly Anne Caffrey is a government contingency analyst whose job is to devise response plans for worst-case scenarios.

NBC: Fathom – is described to be in the vein of James Cameron’s “The Abyss” and revolves around mysterious creatures deep in the ocean. Strange new forms of life that begin appearing in the oceans all over the world.

Darth Vader 20 questions! He figured out medication in 13 questions (medication), minotaur in 14, a traffic cone in 18, But I beat him with “A mine” and “a bumper” Nice interface.

The Healthy Human Flesh Alternative!

What does Hufu taste like? Does it taste like human flesh?
Hufu is designed to resemble, as humanly possible, the taste and texture of human flesh. If you’ve never had human flesh before, think of the taste and texture of beef, except a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture. Contrary to popular belief, people do not taste like pork or chicken.

I want those T-Shirts… hooray for Cannibals! (via )

Moment of Lyric: (mp3)

Remembering when I was a young man
How everything seemed to turn against me
I didn’t know a soul, it was an alien place
The sun was covered by a dark cloud
And though I tried, I couldn’t find a way to escape
The only way to go was straight down

Does it hurt?
Oh, it really doesn’t matter
Does it burn?
Oh, no
I don’t feel a thing
Does it sting?
Oh, yeah, it really doesn’t matter
Does it hurt?
Oh, I don’t give a damn

Pictures from Yesterday –

Buk50 – maex gw. ??

Ubiquitous YNOT, of course.

Both Near 6th and Federal.

1 year ago – S&W apart, Dawn of the dead, Saw Shrek 2 last night, palm doodle, walkabout pictures, lilo & stitch experiments, pre-inca graveyard found, silly snape / puppetpals, Apeshit, bro

2 years ago – wants, slashdot blocked, best family guy line ever, nig newtie-eyes, book meme, rain,

3 years ago– I was compared to Travis Tritt, an image of MyCn18, a broken link or 2, genetic music, Sleestak music, fresca and goldfish crackers, got the complete prisoner TV series on DVD, I restocked some clothes, discovered line-through deleted journals on bio-page.

4 years ago – propitiate, chaplet, sweetheart went out for ice cream, I’ve got naughty thoughts, brasilein, friends only review of new work arrivals. (all but one of whom still work at FMM.)

5 years ago – April interviewed for Barnies, EMAGE goes downhill, my first “who I am” post. I was friended by sunusku, and meemee, and first thoughts about developing Newtcam.

tiny text test
1 year ago – S&W apart, Dawn of the dead, Saw Shrek 2 last night, palm doodle, walkabout pictures, lilo & stitch experiments, pre-inca graveyard found, silly snape / puppetpals, Apeshit, bro

2 years ago – wants, slashdot blocked, best family guy line ever, nig newtie-eyes, book meme, rain,

3 years ago– I was compared to Travis Tritt, an image of MyCn18, a broken link or 2, genetic music, Sleestak music, fresca and goldfish crackers, got the complete prisoner TV series on DVD, I restocked some clothes, discovered line-through deleted journals on bio-page.

4 years ago – propitiate, chaplet, sweetheart went out for ice cream, I’ve got naughty thoughts, brasilein, friends only review of new work arrivals. (all but one of whom still work at FMM.)

5 years ago – April interviewed for Barnies, EMAGE goes downhill, my first “who I am” post. I was friended by sunusku, and meemee, and first thoughts about developing Newtcam.

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