7355 – Tuesday

Working a bit on my current story exercise, and I’m sort of stuck. my usual method is to find a scene and spin a circle outwards from there. I keep changing the guts of the seed, though, and that is causing me to restart the process. More than a few times. I need to find a good core and stick with it, and just save the “nifty, but doesn’t fit” ideas for later stuff.

I could really go for some crinkle cut fries and a chocolate milkshake. I woke up looking for that. Odd urge for 6am. I wonder if I’m pregnant. Doubt it. I’m just a glutton, and dig the conflicting sensations of salt and sweet, hot and cold. Plus, it’s bad for me, so it’s automatically more appealing, since I’m a human.

I’m also a little congested this morning… I hope that I’m not catching my annual cold.

Just say no to a National ID card.Fax your senators here.

Read here for more info. A national ID is a lousy security trade-off, and everyone needs to understand why.

Local ickies – livejournal leads to local unlawful sexual activity. Continue reading 7355 – Tuesday