6792 – Offer not good after curfew in sectors R or Q.

Snickers with almonds is very tasty when frozen, but I preferred the chilled tangerine I also had for breakfast. Tasty morsels. I don’t use the word morsel often enough. Or Scrumdiddlyumptious. Ok, ok…I lied, dear journal…. I say scrumdiddlyumptious at least once or twice a month. Though, to make up for the “morsel” imbalance, I also hardly ever say “Oh, snap”.

The soft, spicy odor of incense, wafting in from the corridor between my bedroom and bath brings me calm on hectic days. It’s getting easier for me to realize when I’m tense lately, and once I know that I’m stressed, I can channel that attitude out to make way for more productive behavior.

When I decide to veg out…I usually sit Indian-style or other comfortable position, usually with Newt nearby. I let all the random jetsam spinning around in my mind slowly settle onto the floor of my mind for proper storage or disposal. Sometimes whole books hit the ground when the mental wind slows down, but usually it’s closer to fortune-cookie slips of paper and multi-colored index cards with quickly scrawled information on it, including “continued on card number XXX” written on the bottom. Sometimes the connected card is nearby or someplace that I can retrieve it quickly, other times, it’s probably in one of the piles off in one of the corners.

I picture my mental room as octagonal-shaped, having hardwood floors and highlights, a network of bookshelf-columns radiating out from the center, and glass walls leading up to a covered dome with a skylight on top. Secret Memories of an ancestor that was into trepanation? I don’t see any self-surgery in my future. The amount of light inside reflects my mindset, with thick drapes that could blot out an atomic blast when darkness is absolutely needed.

There are monkeys, too. Or Ghosts. Maybe Monkey Ghosts. That’s it. Probably genetically enhanced… or with some sort of mystic talisman thingie.

Storywise, sometimes I don’t see myself as a main character. It’s easy to fall in the role of support, or walk-on… no limelight, but more like Wilson on Home Improvement, though, if I was to stretch the example, I suppose that I could grab the Al role here and there. I try to be helpful and am mostly soft spoken, a little too off the beaten path to be a primary focus. I suspect that’d change if I was under the same roof with my sweetheart, rather than having us end up being the wacky neighbors.

Then again, there was the Grizzly Adams TV show. Random trivia… Ben the bear was named for Ben Franklin.

Whims got me itchin’ for doughnuts…she makes hers with prepackaged dough… I didn’t have any, but I found this little recipe.. and the bread maker!

Bread Machine Doughnuts