#6299 Marked for life.

Nibbling on edamame, finished my book, and figured I’d putter back at the ‘puter for a bit.

Earlier, (when I was in the shower, having a shampoo) I daydreamed a bit about getting a tattoo… it was nothing more than a fleeting thought, and it led to pondering about something that recurs in my mind here and again, the good-ol’ forehead tattoo. I started thinking about a society that required everyone to choose a tattoo of a simple design, to be placed on the face where everyone could see it. Why? I don’t know. But the symbol had to be right in the middle of the forehead and of a large size… say, as big as the outside circumference of the person’s thumb and pointer finger can make, give or take… the ink in sharp contrast with the skin, so that it’s visible at a good distance, and the line’s thickness at least that of a laundry marker.

So, I haven’t posted a poll in a long time. Of course, feel free to fill in the comments if you’d like to add more detail or can’t operate the poll as a non-LJer.

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