I’m craving a Cadbury caramel egg.

Via bradthe big cheese

Fun with DDoS attacks.
LiveJournal’s been under attack for the past couple days… worst DDoS attack we’ve ever experienced (and there have been many).

Much stress. Little sleep. Lots of coffee. 27+ hours of downtime, for much of the net.

But…. we got some excellent help from a number of people (one in particular, whom I owe as a result many a beer) and we’re basically ignoring the attack now.

Also, the attack highlighted other bottlenecks, easily fixed once noticed, and the prolonged downtime gave me time to work on things that have been on my list for a while.

End result: things are faster & more efficient than ever, even though the attack continues.

Thank you, script kiddie. The site’s more robust as a result. Now, go get laid. Or— keep attacking and talking to your owned zombies while the FBI Cybercrimes group works with us tracing things back to you.

The last time in memory that it hit as hard was June 2001. Which resulted in a firewall and rate limiters. I’ll be interested in seeing the tech info on what was repaired.

Is it me, or does Brad’s icon make him look like he’s aged quite a bit? His older one strikes me as much younger.

Friday Five:

1. What is your most prized material possession? Well, under the law, Newt’s a possession, though I think of him as a little buddy. Very prized. Inanimate object? The bundle of letters from my sweetheart, a gold ring and silver dollar from my father Digitally, I have a lot of photos stored redundantly on the web/home/elsewhere that I’m happy to have. Hard to balance them out.

2. What item, that you currently own, have you had the longest? hmm… that gold ring. It has my (his) initials on it.

3. Are you a packrat? Pretty much. I go through major cleansings every time I move, though.

4. Do you prefer a spic-and-span clean house? Or is some clutter necessary to avoid the appearance of a museum? Well, there’s some clutter regardless. I like it to feel lived in, but not a museum or a dump.

5. Do the rooms in your house have a theme? Or is it a mixture of knick-knacks here and there? The only theme is “Stuff Scotto likes.” When I get a larger home, I’d like to have a nicely laid out library.

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