Happy 2003!!

I’m overly happy that the numbers in 2003 add up to 5.

For the New Year, I’ve submitted my journal to the ageless project. Nifty page…it is showing the diversity of folks with web pages out there… and they disallow popups. It’s relatively young… Nobody else on there with my birthday yet… (02/02/1969) Only two Feb 02s listed at al so far, ’71 and ’83 they do have members born from as early as the 30s, and as recently as the 90s.

I wonder how many people won’t get into it because they don’t want to tell how old they are? I like it because there’s a random button, and unlike LJ, I won’t skew to a 16 year old girl from California.

Positive vibes of peace, health, and happiness for everyone for the coming year.

My closing thoughts of 2002 and the opening ones of 2003 are of love for my sweetheart… I look forward to our love growing even more over the years ahead.

Something I’ve quoted every New Year since being with her – powerful words, with deep meaning.

Love is
is not rude,
it is not self seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices in truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13:5&6

I’ve plumbed the depths of my heart, and she is ever there. Our love is a thing of wonder… existing in all varieties. I’m looking forward to exploring it more.

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