Upgrade Tonight
The site will be down tonight for probably a half hour while we alter some tables.

If all goes as expected, the change will speed things up considerably and fix a few of the existing known bugs regarding security on entries. We’ll also be altering another table that should let us be able to bring back the comments received/posted page (you’re old-school if you remember that page) and will also let slave dbs get old content cleaned from them faster.

More details later…

Am I retarded, or is having a unix webspace without CLI just a file storage and such place? Is there a sane way to run programs (like installers that take parameters) without having a command line? Is it possible to make a shell script do that in a clean, and manageable way?

I’m so spoiled…


this is stuck in my brain, and I can’t remember any more of the words…

Monchichi, Monchichi, oh so soft and cuddly. With a thumb in his mouth he’s really neat, fun to cuddle his little feet. Yeah, yeah yeah – Yeah, yeah, yeah.