Tron Sequel – Tron 2.0.. I think that the Tron DVD looks keeno, too.

Memories from the Tick cartoon – “Don’t worry, you have nothing to fear from Tongue-Tongue; he’s only tasting you. But, likewise, don’t resist, for he can crush you quite easily. The tongue is a very powerful muscle, and Tongue-Tongue is all tongue. I am Dr. Mung-Mung. Now, release the nice moth-man, Tongue-Tongue. Here is an individually-wrapped slice of processed cheese.”

For my personal reference, and anyone else, the live action -8:30-9:00 THE TICK (NEW SHOW) (1st Season) – Series Premiere Thu 11/1/01 on fox. Let us all hope it doesn’t tank too quickly. 🙂

My chores are done, the sun is out, and I’m going to relax with a sleepy cat and a good book read in natural light.

Book – Wicked

Cat – Newton.

Time – Right now. See you kids later.

before I go –

Colin Powell on the U.S. and China: “I think the relationship is on an upswing now, now that the irritations are behind us… ” I wonder how people who have been unfairly detained, tried, and sentenced feel about being called “irritations”? Of course there are many, many more people who unjustly have been sent to Chinese prisons, labor camps, and graves. Perhaps they too will someday achieve irritant status.

music I’m listening to –