Written half asleep, will review tomorrow for redundancies and clarity…and to just generally review

pre-edit… still looks like poo, and building. going to bed.

Pam’s eyes were moist, after a long crying jag, but it would do more good to simply get past her anxieties and tears and continue on through to the examination room.

Past the large double doors, past the atrium with its soothing cream walls and piped in elevator music, past the security doors and down into the sub-basements, she imagined that if one were to get that far, one might hear screaming, laughing, or crying coming from a dozen different rooms, reflecting countless emotional states of the patients contained therein.

As she walked down the corridor, she wondered how she had arrived there in the first place…the first signs of the growth only appeared a couple of weeks ago, and in all honesty she was originally more concerned that her period was a little late because she’s recently taken up with a new boy. They enjoyed each other a bit, but she’d never really been one to commit to a relationship, instead being more interested in the transitory pleasures of simple, physical sex than the more permanent bonds of a deeper, more complex love…She nearly breathed a sigh of relief when it turned out that she wouldn’t need to get an abortion, despite her careless attitude at the time of potential conception. Another test, and hopefully she’ll be able to pass the blockage without and other ill effects soon.

The doctor was a white-faced, leathery old man with eyes like chipped coal nuggets, black and shiny, and he talked like he had a fever when he started talking about the situation to some intern or other person assisting.

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