too much drama in my life?

ok. more weirdness to add to my current situation. I get a phone call out of the blue from my pal Chase. (I’ve not heard from her in about 3 months)… apparently she and her girlfriend of 10 years are ready to have a child together. Problematic, as they are both lacking testicles, and want to give birth, not adopt. Enter Scotto. “He’s got sperm! and I bet he’s not using all of it!” Well. Truth be told, I’ve just been using it recreationally, and not procreationally… but yeah, I guess so. Here’s the deal, they’d just as soon not go to a clinic and pay some guy to take it out of me, and plug it into Chase… they’d prefer the old fashioned, free installation that mother nature provides. Ok. I’m at the “Well, won’t there be jealousy, or something from you having sex with me?” part of the conversation… and Chase says, “No, we’ve talked it out, and you’re a nice guy… not emotional strings or anything, and we like what you have to offer…(she rattles off some stuff about me being healthy, etc, I come back with my apnea and back trouble, she says that they’ll cope with the advantages over the disads. *egoboo*) Then she mentions that if everything’s still cool, that her gf would like to have a baby about a year after the baby is born, and they’d like it if I agree to the first, if I’d agree to that too. Um. Well, let me think abut this, it’s pretty important stuff…

that’s where I am now. I think she expected me to agree right away, but was happy that I’m taking it seriously.

my immediate concerns are this –

I’ve really never had sex with someone I’m not attracted to ‘as just friends’. The closest I’ve gotten is some silly stuff with someone I had a crush on, and she was just fooling around, although I took it a little more seriously. It’s a good cause, and I’m honored they asked… but I’m not sure what my responsibility to the baby will be, should I draw up some sort of contract? Should I sire a baby with someone else, when I haven’t had any of my own kids yet? I don’t know what my feelings to a child I’m just serving as donor semen for will be, especially since I’d probably be there with them here and again, visiting.

Something for me to think seriously about.

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