
i just noticed I cna’t post on gigglecam’s journal any more… I wonder if that’s a new development, or If I’ve been banned or what? ::shrug:: I’ll keep reading, but I feel like the interactive element was lost.

working hard these last few days… killing my lj participation. enjoying reading, not much time for writing.

dug in, and crewed up most of my work early, and now I’m going ot take the last 2 hours of the day easy. maybe have some tasty wendy’s for supper… that’s where pix is off to, sooner or later. I’d have preferred the bell, but she’s addicted to the new chicken sammich. As she’s picking up, I’m totally cool with the wendy’s.

glad to see Tilly and froggy posting agin… was wondering where they ran off to. And it looks like mootpoint is back on a reg’lar schedule, too.. if a trifle sexy in his posts. 🙂 Now if only I could find out where janedeau and malam have busied themselfves off to.

I could do with a big hug… not sad or anything, just up for some hugging.

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