I’m back again.

Well, grocery shopping went very well. Tried out the new Publix north of me, as opposed to the one to my south. A little further to walk, but I was planning on paying my phone bill at the Southern Bell office up that way while I was there. Unfortunately, that’ll have to wait for later, as the billing offices were closed for Sunday. Upside, more money for foodies.

The checkout girl was adorable, and very funny. If I was a decade younger I’d have asked her out. She had something to say about everything I bought…

added aside. There is a Cran-Nectarine. Yow. A cran I’ve never had before. growing up in Massachusetts near the ocean spray factory, I developed a love-hate relationship with cranberries at an early age. I’d play out in the bogs where they grew (sort of like rice paddies, if you know how swamp plants are grown) and get chased all over the place by my pals in there, when I was about 7 years old. Wading waist-deep in puddles full of cranberry plants, not fearing snakes, spiders or anything else a little boy knows better than to be afraid of. I remember coming home soaking wet, covered with scratches and scrapes, and covered with pelt marks from having cranberry fights on ocean Spray Property. My mom would bawl me out terribly, and give me the ‘wait until your father gets home’ scare tactic. I OD’ed on cranberry at an early age, and wouldn’t go near it for about 5 years… most folks only think of cranberry sauce as something you eat with thanksgiving dinner, but I’d guess that we had the stuff 2-3 times a week. It gets old. The juice, though, is great, cranapple is just perfect.

…flash return to present . The checkout girl. woo. ok. right. Biggest points for her (in my mind) was her “Cheese!” comment, made like Wallace from Wallace and Grommit, right down to the hand gestures, and going up on the toes. I laughed aloud at that, something I rarely do alone and surrounded by strangers, and it felt good. I wonder if she has an older sister. (I try to date within a decade of my birthday. 🙂 )

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